Asking again if anyone out there in #library land has experience setting up #WebBridge? I’m trying to figure out how to resuscitate our lapsed installation from old (Innovative) documentation and a list of inactive resources.
Asking again if anyone out there in #library land has experience setting up #WebBridge? I’m trying to figure out how to resuscitate our lapsed installation from old (Innovative) documentation and a list of inactive resources.
Do the "informational interview for this position" webinars really work? I'm seeing more of them and I guess for a cluster hire that might work but for a single niche librarian role it seems excessive. Does it reduce enough of the hidden curriculum of academic hiring or just reinforce access barriers by privileging those who can randomly attend midday?
Farewell, ! After 14 years on Twitter/X, we feel it's time to part ways.
Recent developments there do not align with our core values. We stand for trustworthy information provision and are committed to open science.
Follow us here for open science-related updates and news on our services and support for the academic community.
#OpenScience #AcademicLibrary
#GoodbyeTwitter #ResearchSupport #EducationSupport
Now that I've been lurking a bit, an #introduction...
I'm Cindy, a #SystemsLibrarian at a DC #AcademicLibrary with an interest in #privacy in #libraries. Formerly on Twitter as @calimae
Other stuff: Longtime #fanfic writer, currently inactive. Owned by two #cats, who help me #CrossStitch. #Episcopalian. Play viola, sing alto, #BoardGames enjoyer, Yoga with Adriene devotee. Aromantic asexual, don't really care about pronouns so I default to she/her.
Today in "But we aren't collecting identifiable information" the survey asked for
1) My institution type
2) Is it an ARL
3) My level (front line, dept head, aul)
4) My years in the profession
5) My area of responsibility
6) My race
7) My age range
8) HIghest degree held
Tell me again at what point I'm supposed to stop pretending this isn't wholly identifiable?
Academic Library-Mastodons What has your library *stopped* doing in the past 5 years?