ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst.


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#Fediverse do your magic:

Meine Schwiegermama wurde auf der Fahrrad gestern erheblich verletzt bei einem Autounfall mit #Fahrerflucht. (ich kann gar nicht sagen, was ich über so Menschen denke, die einfach davon fahren 🤬)

Es gibt eine #Zeugen-Suchmeldung der örtlichen Polizei:

Bitte, falls wer jemanden kennt aus der Gegend (oder auch gerne einfach so): weitersagen!

Tausend Dank Euch. 💚

www.shpol.chNeuhausen a./Rhf: Vortrittsmissachtung, Kollision und FluchtNeuhausen a./Rhf: Vortrittsmissachtung, Kollision und Flucht

Thanks to some very kind people here on the Fedi 🫶🏾 I'm happy to say that my expected bills for March '25 have been covered. I've deleted my last month's mutual aid request post for this reason. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who donated and boosted — special thanks to @morachbeag for being, as I've said before, a real one ✊🏾

HOWEVER: there are many others who still need #MutualAid and you can find one updated list here 👉🏾

These people are especially in urgent need of funds:
⭐ @octo
⭐ @mahtheyzhawey
⭐ @so_treu

I'm offering an exclusive #Tarot one-card + one oracle-card reading for a minimum donation of USD $12 to any or all of the three people I've mentioned individually above. This will be a thematically flexible reading — meaning that you can bring me any one question on your mind, no worries about sticking to a specific subject. To book a reading, simply donate, then DM me with a screenshot of the payment, your name, and preferred pronouns. Sessions will be held via text message on Signal.

All we've ever had is each other, and that's all we continue to have right now. So, let's do this, Fedi. #PleaseBoost :boost_requested:

EDIT: added complete alt-text (poor network connectivity wiped out all but two words of the full thing).

🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 SUPPORT UKRAINE 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

#United24 is an official #fundraising for #Ukraine , founded by Volodymyr #Zelenskyy himself.

➡️ ⬅️

YOU can choose, where (and how often) your #donation goes: into war defense🛡️, humanitarian demining⛑️, medical aid💉, rebuilding Ukraine🚧 or into Science & Education🔬.

I dont have much, but I monthly support medical aid, rebuilding Ukraine & Science/Education.💌🇨🇭


Wir suchen bezahlte Entwicklungs-Unterstützung bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer #opensource Platform zur Unterstützung bei den Berichtsanforderungen des EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (#CBAM ).
Das System ist komplett #foss , in Deutschland gehostet und basiert auf dem #frappe Framework
Schaut gerne hier:
Bei Interesse, oder wenn ihr wen kennt, freut mich eine PM.
Wenn nicht, würde ich mich darüber freuen, wenn ihr diese Suche teilt.
#pleaseboost #bitteteilen

konečně jsem se rozhodla, že bych taky chtěla mít účet v češtině (jako už mám v hebrejštině, , a v toki pona ).
na jakém serveru byste mi doporučili, abych vytvořila účet?
když nemáte doporučení, boostněte tento toot, prosím :boostRequest: :BlobCat_MeltThumb:

so i've finally decided that i'd also like to have an account in Czech. which instance would you recommend me to join?
if you don't have a rec then #PleaseBoost :boostRequest: :pona:

Fortgeführter Thread

Other ways to assist

Pay me to work for you!

I’m a very versatile nerd with a wide range of skills - think of me as your go-to jack-of-all-trades for all things nerdy 😂

Recently, I’ve worked on e.g.:

  • Audio editing & sound design for SFW/NSFW ASMR
  • Video editing - motion graphics, kinetic typography, light VFX, etc.
  • Coding. Need a Discord bot to ping your server when you post to YouTube/Patreon? I gotchu. Want a custom domain without Carrd Pro? Hire me!
  • And I do a ton of other stuff, too. Just ask :)

Rates very negotiable & I'm open to consider any project. DM me!

My music

It's on
pay-what-you-want, Creative Commons licensed

Other ways to contribute

Thanks for your time if you read this far! 💜

shinmaishinmaiI'm an enby geek gamedev who dabbles in electronic music and chiptunes. Atari Testarossa is my nom de plume for synthwavey stuff, Abe Skerries is for most other music and shinmai is what I go by online in general.

enby nerd with disabilities still needs help repairing their PC to get back to work

(it's me!)

So close, so will keep posting in the hopes this might happen this month, still. Thankful beyond words to everyone! 💜

My motherboard died, and I've not been able to accept contract work since, which have been my sole income stream for some time. My setup is ~7 years old, so I'm stuck replacing my CPU & RAM in addition to the mobo.
On my own I'm stuck: no 'puter -> no work -> no funds to fix 'puter

A dear friend set up a #GoFundMe to raise the funds I need ( which is on the home stretch.
If you have the means & want to help, every bit helps! I've listed other ways to contribute in the 👇 replies 👇

I'm looking at the lowest-priced locally-available mATX AM4 board, Ryzen 5 5500 & 2x16GB kit of DDR4, the cost + S&H of which the GFM goal should just cover.
#transmutualaid #MutualAidRequest #transcrowdfund #mutualaid #queermutualaid #crowdfunding #pleaseboost #boostswelcome #boostme

gofundme.comSpende für New PC for Shi's Livelihood and Health, organisiert von Ashlyn BurnsRecently a good friend of mine Shi, had lost their PC in a sudden mothe… Ashlyn Burns braucht deine Unterstützung für New PC for Shi's Livelihood and Health

please help a cute queer disabled bean get their PC fixed and get them working again

At 3/4 of the way there, just need a tiny bit more, so will keep making noise hoping the right people notice. Huge thanks to everyone who has pitched in! 💜

My PC died, preventing me from accepting contract work, my only source of income for the last few years. My setup is old (i5-7500, DDR3) so even though only my motherboard is fried, I practically need to replace my CPU and RAM, too.
I'm stuck w/o assistance: no PC => can't work => can't fix PC.

An amazing friend drafted a #GoFundMe to help (, and I'm close to my goal: enough money for the cheapest local micro-ATX A520 mobo, a Ryzen 5 5500 and 2x16GB of DDR4.

If you are able and willing, every tiny bit helps! If GFM is not your jam, I've listed other ways to help out below in a 👇 reply 👇

gofundme.comSpende für New PC for Shi's Livelihood and Health, organisiert von Ashlyn BurnsRecently a good friend of mine Shi, had lost their PC in a sudden mothe… Ashlyn Burns braucht deine Unterstützung für New PC for Shi's Livelihood and Health

Dear Fediverse,

I need some help to survive in this capitalist dystopia, which means I need money :neocat_laugh_sweat: Specifically I'm looking for a fulfilling position focused on helping disadvantaged folx. Although one that pays well and isn't evil would do in a pinch 💁‍♀️

Many of y'all know me and what I stand for, but here's the pitch anyway:

What I offer:
- like 15 years working with uncomfortably large data
- experience as head of data, head of analytics, sr. manager of data science, and sr. analyst across several industries (primarily gaming, but also fintech, construction, AI, and B2B/B2C/C2C marketplaces)
- skills in SQL, Python, statistics, psychology, management, data science, data privacy, research, roguelikes, and other useful things
- a unique blend of work and education history that make me really good at predicting how people react to things

What I need:
- a full-time, salaried position paying $200k+ USD (with flexible time off)
- remote work (but I'm fine occasionally visiting a Seattle-based office)

What I prefer:
- working on novel projects, for organizations that make humanity better in a tangible way
- working with departments like trust & safety, fraud-prevention, user experience, or R&D
- not working for departments like sales & marketing

Finally, thank you all for being amazing and supportive 💝 💝 I'm so lucky to have the friends and contacts I've made here, and I really appreciate any help you can give.

(You can also just throw money at me if you want 💁‍♀️

Is there any connection to the fediverse possible from within Iran?
I have a good friend there who is a gifted photographer. She uses Instagram, but when I leave I'll lose that contact. She's on Signal, but I wondered about here.
But I can't find any information about Mastodon and Iran (except for an actual one they discovered there). She does use a VPN (of course).
Please boost as I don't imagine many know the answer to that question. But surely someone must.
#fediHelp #iran #persia #PleaseBoost

I'm on a new server for 2025, so let me redo my #introduction

  • my name is Arctaxia or Arctax or Arctic (in order of preference. i'd recommend calling me Arctaxia in formal situations and the other two for all else)
  • i'm an amateur illustrator and linux user with some web development knowledge (no JS though, which I also try to avoid using unless absolutely necessary, mostly because I don't know it yet)
  • Worldbuilding project = Cyber Anima, which explores the world surrounding KDE Valley, and tries to expand on it and bring it to life in an oddly introspective way
  • I used to be on Google+ (underage, even, which was crazy). I was arcticlunar15.
  • the server I started Fedi with was - even though it's vanilla mastodon, the moderation team is wonderful :)

other interests:

  • dreampop, shoegaze, and shoegaze metal (think Slowdive, Alcest, My bloody valentine; some non-shoegaze bands I also listen to are Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead)
  • I have two sonas, a hisuian zorua/zoroark, and a mantled beast (formally a Cyber Jackal) that lives in the Cyber Anima universe
  • i like software/foss mascots; they're fun to draw, and I will play any game that features them :xenia_trash:
  • i've gained an interest in Studio Ghibli lately, so you may notice its influence in my newer illustrations

I'm really shy with new people and have low social energy, so I'm sorry if I take a while to reply to you. I might also vent in follower only posts sometimes (with proper cw), so beware of that
My discord is arctaxia if you want to find me there, but my DMs are closed

Tag spam time
#artist #illustrator #shoegaze #slowdive #alcest #radiohead #SmashingPumpkins #myBloodyValentine #blackgaze #PleaseBoost

Mantled BeastsMantled BeastsMantled Beasts by: Honeymoss