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Hi all, I've just setup my own #Akkoma instance, so it's time for an updated #introduction
I promise I won't move accounts again and I'll keep @kedara as a backup.

I'm very much into #yoga and #meditation and everything related to that. I'm trying to learn #Sanskrit because its a beautiful language and also in order to be able to read text like the #BhagavadGita #Upanishads #YogaSutras which greatly inspire me.

I'm from the #Netherlands and work in #science in the field of #AirQuality I may occasionally share something about that, but this is not a work account (and any opinions are my own).

I love #photography , mostly related to #nature #weather #clouds #trees
I try to make a trip to the #forest at least every weekend, I'm lucky to live at the edge of the #Veluwe nature area.

I love growing food in my #garden using #organic #permaculture and #RegenerativeAgriculture inspired methods, I'm dreaming of tending my own #FoodForest some day.

Unfortunately I'm operating at half power thanks to #LongCovid since Feb. '22.

I'll mainly post in English with some posts in Dutch as well. Unpinned toots will be deleted after 3 months, I only boost photos with alt text (feel free to let me know if I've forgotten to add it!).

Let me know if you have similar interests and I'll be happy to chat!

Hi all, I'm new here at #FlippingRocks so it's time for an updated #introduction

I'm very much into #yoga and #meditation and everything related to that. I'm trying to learn #Sanskrit because its a beautiful language and also in order to be able to read text like the #BhagavadGita #Upanishads #YogaSutras which greatly inspire me.

I'm from the #Netherlands and work in #science in the field of #AirQuality I may occasionally share something about that, but this is not a work account (and any opinions are my own).

I love #photography , mostly related to #nature #weather #clouds
I try to make a trip to the #forest at least every weekend, I'm lucky to live at the edge of the #Veluwe nature area.

I love growing food in my #garden using #organic #permaculture and #RegenerativeAgriculture inspired methods, I'm dreaming of tending my own #FoodForest some day.

Unfortunately I'm operating at half power thanks to #LongCovid since Feb. '22.

I'll mainly post in English with some posts in Dutch as well. Unpinned toots will be deleted after 3 months, I only boost photos with alt text (feel free to let me know if I've forgotten to add it!).

Let me know if you have similar interests and I'll be happy to chat!

Fortgeführter Thread

Brief von #GonzaloÚrculo, #Landwirt und Mitgründer von #CrowdFarming

"Wir #Landwirte beginnen zu verstehen, dass es etwas gibt, das mächtiger ist als die Anforderungen der #Supermärkte. Etwas, das unsere Produktionskosten und die Qualität unserer #Lebensmittel stärker beeinflusst als jeder Markttrend. Dieses Etwas ist unser #Boden.

Nach Jahrzehnten des chemischen Anbaus, in denen wir versucht haben, die Preis- und Schönheitsansprüche des Einzelhandels zu erfüllen, zieht der Boden irgendwann die Reißleine. Wenn ein Landwirt erkennt, dass sein ausgelaugter Boden kaum noch Ertrag liefert, spielt der Verkaufspreis keine Rolle mehr – denn es gibt keine Ernte mehr, die verkauft werden könnte."

www.crowdfarming.comCrowdFarming | Farm fresh food directly from the farmerAdopt a tree, an animal or part of a garden, receive fresh food cultivated just for you straight from the farmers and help fight food waste.

What does it mean to be loyal to the soil? Come meet three of Alberta’s most passionate advocates for soil health and regenerative agriculture - farmer Shorty Fensky, soil scientist Yamily Zavala and environmental advocate Kim Cornish, as we talk on the eve of the Western Conference on Soil Health and Grazing. #AlbertaUnbound #SenateofCanada #AGFO #Edmonton #yeg #Alberta #cdnpoli #soil #SoilHealth #agriculture #RegenerativeAgriculture

Alberta Unbound
Apple PodcastsAlberta UnboundPolitics Podcast · 3 Seasons · Monthly Series

The over wintering field beans and broad beans were sown today. The beds inside the fencing will be for harvesting. The other beds are for green manures or may just feed the mice or the muntjac.

The other green manures are doing well, cycling nutrients, feeding the soil biology and improving the soil and water infiltration.
#Gardening #Allotment #NoDig #CoverCrops #SoilHealth #GreenManures #NoBareSoil #RegenerativeAgriculture #Mulch

This last Wednesday, we sacrificed our bull. He was born on this farm, lived a happy 4+ years, and will now nourish us and our community. There's something sacred about taking a life to fuel a life, something so meaningful that it's hard to describe. Life, and death, go hand in hand - something so clear and obvious when you live on a farm.

To honor this life we take, we waste nothing. The bones are boiled to capture every scrap of meat before being returned to the earth to feed our other crops. The tallow will become creams and soap, the leather is being stretched and dried for later processing.

It all sounds quite noble, right? Maybe even ideal for some. And it is... I am so grateful to be able to provide this truly sustainable, high value food to my family. According to some, this is the kind of #agriculture that can bring humanity back into balance on this earth.

But to be honest, I am whooped. It's Saturday, and I spent all day continuing the work of processing every last scrap. Cleaning pots, scrubbing dehydrator trays, straining tallow yet one more time. My hands are cut up, my back hurts, and we are terribly underslept.

It's easy to romanticize #homesteading or #sustainable #agriculture. The truth is, it's hard. It's messy. It's bloody. And the work never, ever ends - even when you are blessed enough to have help. This is truly is a lifestyle one adopts out of conviction and love.

Thanks for following our story.


El miércoles pasado sacrificamos a nuestro toro. Nació aca en la finca, vivió feliz más de 4 años y ahora nos alimentará a nosotros y a nuestra comunidad. Hay algo sagrado en quitar una vida para alimentar otra, algo tan significativo que es difícil de describir. La vida y la muerte van de la mano, algo tan claro y obvio cuando vives en una granja.

Para honrar esta vida que tomamos, no desperdiciamos nada. Los huesos se hierven para capturar cada trozo de carne antes de devolverlos a la tierra para alimentar nuestros otros cultivos. El sebo se convertirá en cremas y jabón, el cuero se estira y se seca para su posterior procesamiento. La carne nos alimentará a nosotros y a nuestro equipo y sus familias.

Todo suena bastante noble, ¿verdad? Quizá incluso ideal para algunos. Y lo es... Estoy muy agradecido de poder proporcionar a mi familia estos alimentos verdaderamente sostenibles y de gran valor nutricional. Según algunos, este es el tipo de #agricultura que puede devolver el equilibrio a la humanidad en esta tierra.

Pero para ser honesto, yo estoy agotada. Es sábado y me he pasado todo el día en el trabajo de procesar hasta el último resto. Limpiando ollas, fregando las bandejas del deshidratador, colando el sebo una vez más. Mis manos están cortadas, me duele la espalda, y estamos cansados.

Es fácil romantizar #lavidadelcampo o #agricultura #sostenible. La verdad es que es duro. Es sucio. Es sangriento. Y el trabajo nunca, nunca termina - incluso cuando se tiene la suerte de tener ayuda. Días antes de sacrificar a nuestro toro, procesamos 25 lts. de manteca. Y días antes de eso, más de 40 lts. de jarabe de caña. No hay descansos, ni vacaciones. Este es realmente un estilo de vida que uno adopta por convicción y amor.

Gracias por seguir nuestra historia.

The work here just never stops. Out of our jungle-like tangle of baby #FoodForest there is a constant harvest of something or another.

Within the last week Michael has brought in:

🌱chia (we got just over a pound of clean seed - and there's tons more to be brought in),

🔥 hot peppers (7 pot chocolate bubble gum - its a continual harvest and we're drying down about 2 kg every time we harvest off the plants),

🌿black beans ( about 8kg set aside for eating), and

🌾corn ( a white dent variety, but because of rains it needed to be harvested early).

He's also harvested some peanuts he'll be replanting, papayas, arugula, and... The guamo still has fruit on it!


El trabajo aquí nunca se acaba. De nuestra maraña selvática de #BosqueComestible hay una cosecha constante de una cosa u otra.

En la última semana Michael ha traído a casa:

🌱chia (tenemos un poco más de medio kg de semillas limpias - y hay mucho mas por procesar),

🔥 Aji picantes (7 ollas chicle de chocolate - es una cosecha continua y estamos deshidratando alrededor de 2 kg cada vez que cosechamos),

🌿Caraotas negras (unos 8 kg reservados para comer), y

🌾maíz ( una variedad blanca, y debido a las lluvias habia que cosecharlo ya).

También ha cosechado unos manì (cacahuetes) que replantará, papayas, rúcula, y.... ¡El guamo todavía tiene frutos!

#Agroecología #AgriculturaForestal #AgriculturaRegenerativa #Permacultura
#Agroecology #FoodForestFarming #RegenerativeAgriculture #Permaculture

Writing my master thesis on Regenerative Agriculture and how to communicate the whole mess to farmers and the public. If you know any projects, farmers, or scientists who might be interesting for me to talk to, let me know.

Looking for conventional farmers, organic/Demeter farmers, people growing with regenerative methods, but also people in related fields who might have an interesting opinion. Tech and science people. Policy.

What is “regenerative agriculture”? Is it real? Does it actually do anything?

Well, it can be complicated. But this article does a pretty nice job of explaining what it is and why I’m a fan of it.

I really like and support the idea of a more holistic approach - that’s where we see the full system really start to make an impact.

#Agriculture #Farming #Farm #Food #RegenerativeAgriculture #RegenAg #Sustainability

apple.newsRegenerative agriculture is sold as a climate solution. Can it do all it says? — NPRGovernments and industries are pouring billions of dollars into so-called “regenerative agriculture.” But while scientists say some of these farming practices do reduce planet heating pollution, for others the science is less clear.

Season 4 episode 7: Creating Community While Regenerating Soil, with Nick Schwanz of Solarpunk Farms

Taking action on their solarpunk dreams, Nick Schwanz and Spencer Scott bought a degraded agricultural plot and have been turning it into a food forest, an explosion of flowers, and a demonstration of regenerative farming that brings the local community together and creates a network of prosperity and opportunities for other farmers, creatives, and makers. Join us as we talk soils, how their project is going, and what they mean by their intention to queer the agricultural endeavor.


"Food justice, not profits!
From the 3rd to the 5th of September 2024, the agri-food industry is holding its so-called “Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems Summit” for the third time. At a critical time of climate chaos, environmental degradation and malnutrition crises, we, social movements, civil society organizations, academics, #farmers and engaged citizens, once again denounce this Summit’s attempt to greenwash participating corporations’ devastating ecocidal and neocolonial practices. Instead, we call for support for farmer-centred agroecological and regenerative food systems that truly nourish current and future generations."

#RegenerativeAgriculture #Greenwashing

Read more here:

- · Food Systems Summit facilitates corporate greenwashing of regenerative agriculture -Food Systems Summit facilitates corporate greenwashing of regenerative agriculture Food justice, not profits! From the 3rd to the 5th of September 2024, the agri-food industry is holding its so-called "Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems Summit" for the third time. At a critical time of climate chaos, environmental degradation and malnutrition crises, we, social movements, civil

We are hosting a pan-EU conference next year in Wageningen: "Soil Health Now!" Apr 8-10 (Tuesday to Thursday), 2025. Are you working with soil data and is #RegenerativeAgriculture #SoilHealth metrics something that especially interest you? We are calling all #EUSoilDeal funded projects and partners to come at WICC and discuss, debate, collaborate and combine forces to help increase soil health of EU soils. Proposal submission deadline: 1st of November 2024!
Event link: