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Aren't there extension cables for these solar panel connectors? I only find "MC4" cables, which seem to be only the connector on the receiving end but not the panell side. I need an extension for the panel side though. as 2 of the 4 panels are further away.

Do those extension cables even exist, or isn't this meant to be due to some frequency issues? Should I instead get another one of those cables with 4 connectors put them in a row if possible? (Seems to be possible?)
#solar #electronics

👋 Hi liebe #DIY und #Balkonsolar Community, vor Kurzem habe ich hier mein Vorhaben geteilt, eine Terrassenüberdachung selbst zu bauen und Module darin zu integrieren.

Danke an alle, die mit Tipps und Links geholfen haben!

Jetzt ist es soweit: Die Planung ist abgeschlossen und die Materialien sind da.

Ich werde die Schritte, die mir bei der Vorbereitung geholfen haben, mit euch teilen. Beim Aufbau werdet ihr "live" dabei sein ⚒️.

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cc: @diy @balkonsolar

In den #USA übertrafen #Solar- und #Windenergie 2024 erstmals #Kohle als #Energiequelle.

Ihr Anteil stieg auf 17 %, während Kohle auf 15 % fiel. Trotz steigender #Stromnachfrage sanken die CO₂-Emissionen.

Während Präsident #Trump auf #fossileEnergien setzt, zeigt der Trend klar Richtung #Erneuerbare. Auch in #Deutschland erreichte der Ökostrom-Anteil mit 59 % einen neuen Höchstwert.

DER SPIEGEL · Neuer Rekord: Solar- und Windenergie übertreffen in den USA KohleVon DER SPIEGEL

Our PV+battery has been up about little over a week now. Today was hot and sunny; the first day of a 4-day heatwave and topped out at 31C while staying pretty humid.

We had AC on in a couple of rooms most of the day, using 26kWh of energy for all activity. The PV array produced nearly 44kWh of energy. We consumed 16kWh from the battery. At about 4:00pm, the battery was full.

Presently, the battery is discharging as we consume electricity from it, and it exports to the grid. Over the day, and across two price spikes we've exported 23kWh of energy. It's clearly not going to be any less in coming days.

On less sunny and hot days, it looks like we'll generate around 2x our consumption. On hot days like this, it will be even more (

Yes, it's going to take a handful of years to recover the outlay, but at this rate, we’ll both completely offset the cost of electricity supply to our house as well as earn enough FiT to offset a significant proportion of electricity supply for our guest cottages.

In NSW (and I believe other states), there are significant state government rebates on batteries alongside federal rebates on PVs. If you have the chance to invest in solar+battery, now is as good a time as any.


Interesting. Everyone has kind of assumed that putting big #solar arrays in a farmer’s field (so-called “agrivoltaics”) would probably further harm biodiversity. Someone finally tested that assumption and found out that the opposite is true: a well designed solar array allowed birds in much greater number and variety to live in the field compared to crops growing without the solar array.

Edit: see caveat in replies.

RenewEconomy · Solar farms can host up to three times as many birds as crop fields – new researchNew research finds solar farms managed with biodiversity in mind contain a greater number of bird species, and more birds overall, than surrounding cropland.
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Wonder why wind, storage & other climate techs matter in the current climate?

Here's a live view of Texas's electricity mix: wind tops the list, energy storage plays a key role. The second biggest source: solar. (There's a CKI deep-dive for solar, too.)

Wind, solar & batteries don't dominate Texas's grid because of state-level policies & regulations. Quite the opposite.

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@Lapizistik Natürlich nicht. #ITER dient der #Grundlagenforschung, und es geht dabei vorallem darum jene Technologie zu verstehen.

Vorallem wenn wir nichtmals ansatzweise #Solar & #Wind-Potenziale angezapft haben...

Das hier ist ca. 50 m vom Haus entfernt und liegt im sogenannten "Außenbereich":
Das ist also kein Bauland, aber durch die Bahnstrecke hinter dem Grundstück darf hier dennoch Solarstrom gewonnen werden 😎

Das das so ist, habe ich hier entdeckt:

Auf der Seite kann man Solarpotenziale auf Freiflächen anzeigen. Durch die Bahnstrecke liegen wir in einem "privilegierten Infrastrukturbereich", der das möglich macht.