I just finished A Pail of Air by Fritz Leiber over at Project Gutenberg. It's great post apocalyptic tale about earth thrown into a deep freeze after a rogue Star tears the planet from its orbit. There's not a lot of action but the world building is phenomenal. I'd love to read more stories set in this universe. #scifi #pulp #apocalypse #ProjectGutenberg
First, I thought that I couldn't write fiction anymore because #reality gets crazy. Sometimes, I invent #SciFi plots just for fun, without writing. But now reality gets even weirder. I think that's the plan: We don't believe them. So, they install their #dystopic #apocalypse system while we still laugh about that insanity: https://www.wired.com/story/startup-nations-donald-trump-legislation/ (it's also archived).
I wrote this piece on why apocalypses are so common in modern SFF:
Les 4 cavaliers de l'apocalypse
Stylos bic
D'habitude je me fixe 1h ou 2h voir 3 afin d'être plus dans l'exploration, et ne pas entamer de projets graphiques qui vont au-delà, car ça me lasse, mais celui ci me tenait à coeur.
J'avoue qu'après avoir fait les cavaliers, j'étais pressé de faire le sol et le fond (que je fais en premier d'habitude) afin de passer à autre chose.
"The bitter irony is that the Prætorian Guard surrounding Trump and Musk … are in the main Christian nationalists who believe Revelation is literal…and yet fail somehow to see that Trump and Musk bear a greater resemblance to the two satanic Beasts of the Apocalypse than any other political pairing in recent memory."
~ Greg Olear
#Musk #Trump #WhiteChristianNationalists #bible #apocalypse
So, where do you think we're all headed?
#Apocalypse #Fascism #Totalitarianism #Madness #NoFuture
I finished Nevil Shute's "On The Beach" late last night because I just couldn't put it down.
It's an apocalyptic fiction book from 1957 that is like no other that I've read. At first, it feels so thin, but then you realize that you've been completely sucked in. It's a slow, slow burn that you feel long after you finish it.
Bins Of A Nuclear Winter
When the clock ticks a second closer to midnight we need to listen.
Only a heartbeat keeps us from a nuclear winter.
Good mood music for this nice Tuesday
Metallica - The four horsemen
#tunetuesday #thrashmetal #metallica #fourhorsemen #apocalypse
#Army of the #Apocalypse (Revelation 9:15-19). ‘The Welles Apocalypse’, England ca. 1310. BL, Royal 15 D II, fol. 143r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Divine inspiration. #Apocalypse, Flanders 15th century. BnF, Néerlandais 3, fol. 4r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Hellmouth. #Apocalypse, Belgium ca. 1313. BnF, Français 13096, fol. 86r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Kurz ...
Short ...
Artist: #EllyKerwick / #Kiplines
- Title: "Apocalypse" - #Art #Streetart #Humor #Artist #Comic #Cartoon #Sheep #Drawing #Apocalypse Website: https://www.kiplines.com
The fourth horseman of the #Apocalypse. Apocalypse, Salisbury 1240-1250. BnF, Français 403, fol. 9r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
#Army of the #Apocalypse (Revelation 9:15-19). ‘The Welles Apocalypse’, England ca. 1310. BL, Royal 15 D II, fol. 143r.
#medieval #MedievalArt
The signs of the approaching squirrel apocalypse will be subtle at first.
i need people to understand #Project2025 as an eschatological manifesto and #evangelicals, #zionists, #techbros and #technocrats as death cults.
once you understand #Project2025 as the accelerationist manual for the #apocalypse, then you'll understand the Heritage Foundation isn't interested in the clowns, only the clown car.
their real picks are & will be working in the shadows.
Nur damit mal verstanden wird, mit wem Netanjahu in der Regierung koaliert: Leute, die sich genau dies wünschen.
"Niggun "We Want Moshiach Now"
Ich sag nur Endzeit-Fanatiker :/ #apocalypse
PFAS are man-made chemicals used to make nonstick cookware, water-repellent clothing, some cosmetics, and much more. They are very, very bad for our health, even in small quantities, and very persistent, it is very hard to get rid of them.