Snap StoriesCastle of the Mazovian Dukes, Ciechanów, Poland (part 2 of 2)<br>
The castle’s greatest period of splendor was the reign of Duke Janusz I, son of Siemowit, who, after the defeat of the Teutonic Knights at Grunwald in 1410, rebuilt Ciechanow Castle as his residence, erecting an imposing residential building, raising the level of the courtyard by 1.5 meters and laying decorative cobblestones.<br>
During the reign of the next dukes, the castle was an important point of administration of the Duchy of Ciechanow, a place of international negotiations and a fortress where the ducal treasury was kept. The castle was rebuilt and adapted to the use of firearms. The main entrance was moved to the west gate, which was fortified with a brick fore-gate and drawbridge.<br>
After the death of Janusz II in 1495, the castle began to decline, and after the incorporation of Mazovia into the Crown in 1526, it completely lost its importance and slowly fell into disrepair under the royal starosts.<br>
In the middle of the 17th century, during the “Swedish Deluge,” the castle was seized by the Swedes and burned, as was Ciechanow. From then on it was a ruin, located outside the city, in vast swampy meadows.<br>
After the Second Partition, in 1803, the Prussians, who ruled much of Mazovia, demolished the buildings inside the castle, building a brewery in Opinogóra out of the bricks they obtained. They left the outer walls, which they were unable to breach.<br>
In the 1960s, the process of rebuilding the castle began, and it eventually became a museum facility, in the nature of a “permanent ruin,” with a small museum exhibition on the towers and in the reconstructed castle cellar of the so-called “Gothic Hall.”<br>
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