ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst.


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There is no shortage of startups and enterprises animated by, or outright proclaiming, replacing e-mail as the de-facto open internet messaging standard. VC Investors are forever fascinated by funding such endeavours. #matrix #simplex #slack etc are examples.

#deltachat endorses e-mail but reconfigures and repurposes it to serve for interoperable instant messaging. The #chatmail server network relays end to end encrypted e-mail only, and servers are reduced to dumb store-and-forward relays.

Hello Fediverse! is a new hosted service for software teams. We are striving to pull together the best open source alternatives to the big players (Github, Slack, Trello, Confluence, etc) and have bundled Forgejo, Zulip, Vikunja, and An Otter Wiki into one private integrated service. Check us out:

o-o.toolso-o.toolsPrivate hosted Forgejo, Zulip, Vikunja, and An Otter Wiki for software development teams.

Microsoft stellt Skype ein – Fokus auf Teams und KI-Integration
Microsoft wird den Betrieb von Skype im Mai 2025 einstellen und Nutzer:innen eine Migration zu Microsoft Teamsanbieten. Nach 14 Jahren unte
#News #Services #Digitalisierung #InternetTelefonie #KnstlicheIntelligenz #Microsoft #MicrosoftTeams #SatyaNadella #Skype #Slack #Unternehmenskommunikation #Videokommunikation #WhatsApp

Any software teams looking for an alternative to GitHub, Slack, Trello, and Confluence? I need beta testers for a new private hosted service that includes Forgejo, Zulip, Vikunja and OtterWiki (git repo, chat, planning, and wiki, respectively), four excellent open source tools, behind a single sign-on.

Reply or message and we’ll set it up


👏 Wow! Schon länger nicht mehr draufgeschaut auf die Seite Entgoogle das Internet von .

Aktuell gibt es folgende Services von Framasoft :
- Framacarte (Karten erstellen): Erstelle deine eigenen Karten online.
- Framaforms (Alternative zu Google Forms): Eine einfache Möglichkeit, deine eigenen Umfragen zu erstellen.
- Framindmap
- Framapetitions: A petitions service that respects your personal data
- Signature PDF: Organise, compress and sign your PDFs.
- Framagroupes: Erstelle eine E-Mail-Diskussions-Gruppe.
- Framatalk (Alternaitve zu
#Zoom): Rede ungestört mit deinen Freunden.
- Framateam (Alternative zu
#Slack): Rede mit deinem Team in einem Chat-Raum auf Steroiden (sic!)
- Framagames: Eine Sammlung freier Spiele.
- Sepia Search: Suche nach Videos, Wiedergabelisten und PeerTube-Kanälen.
- Framagenda (Google Agenda): Du wählst, wer deinen Zeitplan sehen kann.
- Framadate (Doodle): Plane ein Treffen oder erstelle eine Abstimmung
- Mobilizon (Facebook Event): Finde, erstelle und organisiere deine Veranstaltungen. Treibe deine Gruppe an.
- Framaspace (Workplace): A user-friendly cloud for community groups.
- Framavox:Trefft eure Entscheidungen zusammen und gemeinschaftlich.
- I hate money: Easily manage your shared expenses.
- Framacalc (Google Spreadsheet): Teilt eure Tabellen und arbeitet zusammen!
- Framapad (Google Docs): Ein kollaborativer, Web-basierter Echtzeit-Editor.
- Draw: Create diagrams and manage your whiteboards.
- Framagit: Freier Code ist gut. Auf einer freien und offenen Plattform ist er sogar noch besser!

Es gab sogar zwischenzeitlich noch mehr Services wie
#Lutim (Bilderupload) #Slides (Präsentation) #Wiki , URL-Shortener und einige mehr. Auch dazu gibt es aber eine tolle Zusammenstellung von freien Alternativen auf Alternatives to Framasoft, die dann widerum auf alternative Services u.a. von NoMagic oder Disroot von weiterleitet. #deGoogle #Datenschutz #Framasoft #TeamDatenschutz #GoogleAlternativen

Even if Elon is somehow ousted from this coup, it will continue to roll on and crush everything in its wake. He's only ONE aspect of this, and he's a very loud and obnoxious one which is very much the point. People need to pay attention to Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz. Here's a few of the more recogniseable companies in which they have been involved: SUBSTACK. (for the love of sanity please use a different platform) #Airbnb, #Facebook, #Instagram, X/Twitter, #Pinterest, #Roblox, #Skype, #BuzzFeed, #Groupon, #Imgur, #Reddit, #Slack, #Medium, #OpenAI, #SpaceX and more... The rest of their portfolio is here: It also includes weapons and defence tech in the name of "American Dynamism." #a16z #andreessenhorowitz #techfascism #MAGA #AmericanDynamism
Antwortete petersuber

stop using #slack #FOI

LISTEN to the Democrats speak truth to #Musk

the all day and night ANTI #OMB #Trump talk is going on in the #Senate NOW (it is now 4PM Thu Feb 6 2025)

On #Cspan 🟡CSpan2 #RussellVought

the Android or iOS app will give you the AUDIO

Download the C-SPAN __Radio__app

(You need to use a VPN set to the US if outside the US)


Fortgeführter Thread

Another reason it sucks: I now have a permanent unread notification in #Slack that I can't remove.

Somehow the GitHub spam that ended up in Threads (because I'm assigned the tickets) just won't get marked unread no matter how much I click on it, scroll through everything, quit and restart Slack, etc.

Of course there's no "mark all as read" option, because who would ever need that?

The more I use #Matrix, the more I'm puzzled why it isn't mainstream just yet. It can literally take the place of anything - any messaging/phone call/video call apps like #WhatsApp or #Telegram, group chats (even with screensharing) like #Discord, #Teamspeak, #Slack, or #Teams - all of that and it might even be more secure (or private) than something like #Signal since you don't even need a phone number to sign up. All you need to do to get on board is to register an account on an instance (of which you could even stand one up yourself), and use the service on a good app - #Element and #ElementX seem to be the best on desktop and mobile respectively. If you don't fancy installing an app, you could even use it on the web - something you couldn't even do on Signal.

I like it so much, and I think it should be mainstream so much, that I had just updated my resume to replace my phone number with a Matrix link instead lol - and I feel much better not having my (work) number displayed in public. Idk if that'd be an issue (i.e. for a recruiter), but
meh, the link even takes you to a pretty portal (stood up by the Matrix instance) that tells the reader how to reach me (i.e. app options they could launch/install, etc.). All in all, I'm so, so, so SORRY for thinking Matrix is just what #FOSS/#Linux nerds use to be different (to be private, really) when really, it's just a really cool communication protocol/service EVERYONE should use - not freakin' WhatsApp or #iMessage (I see you, Americans).