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✅ #Debian : Renowned for its #stability and #reliability, this is a free, open-source operating system that receives regular updates and security patches. Thanks to a large community of active and committed developers, Debian is constantly evolving while remaining rock-solid. 🌟 A trusted choice for those looking for a robust and secure OS. 🕵️

In short: Stability, security and community

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@andreasdotorg @redknight
I think at that level it's conceptually easy, you "just" need (wo-)manpower to set up and maintain everything yourself. Assuming you want to set up a new cloud provider from scratch and build one/two/three new DCs in different regions in Europe:
- buy standard "off-the-shelve" server hardware
- at this level you can use US networking equipment (firewalls, routers, switches)
- and then use/self-host all the open-source software you want

- use your favourite #Linux distro (#debian, #ubuntu, #fedora, or whatever)
- set up Netbox or a similar tool (and maybe phpIPAM) + #PostGreSQL Server
- there's probably no way around #OpenStack either way, with #MariaDB and some other open source tools in the background
- you can set up #Prometheus, #Grafana, #OpenSearch for observability

And on top of that offer services as you see fit:
- automate setup/maintenance of #Kubernetes clusters (I heard #RKE2 is a fairly self-contained #K8s distribution)
- automate setup/maintenance of DB servers
- provide a way to run "serverless" apps
- set up #nextcloud or so

#AstroTools #AstronomySoftware #ScienceSoftware

Random #Debian Astro package of the week is alfa. ALFA measures fluxes in emission line spectra, such as those of planetary nebulae and HII regions, using a genetic algorithm to rapidly optimise fits to large numbers of lines simultaneously. It can subtract night sky emission lines before fitting the nebular lines if necessary. It can read plain text files containing 1D spectral data, or FITS files containing 1D, 2D or 3D datasets.

Są dni, kiedy jestem naprawdę już zmęczony podejściem autorów oprogramowania do twórców dystrybucji. Nie chodzi tylko o niewdzięczność — to wręcz ignorowanie ogromu pracy, jaki wkładamy, żeby to wszystko trzymało się kupy. A jakby nie patrzeć, to cały czas polegają na naszej pracy.

Może nie używają #Gentoo. Może ich distro to #Debian, #Fedora, #Arch, jakaś ich pochodna, albo coś zupełnie innego. Czy to znaczy, że wysiłek wkładany przez Gentoo się nie liczy? A co, jeżeli ten sam problem spotyka twórców dystrybucji, używanej przez nich? A jeżeli nawet nie, to czy autorzy oprogramowania, którzy akurat używają Gentoo, powinni teraz być wrodzy wobec innych dystrybucji?

Może nie zgadzają się z tą czy inną, naszą zasadą. Może nawet używają Gentoo, ale nie zgadzają się z tym, w jakim kierunku zmierza. No ale cóż, nie są sami na świecie. Staramy się najlepiej jak możemy, przy dostępnych nam środkach, dla wszystkich użytkowników Gentoo. Nie twierdzę, że zawsze mamy rację, ale wypadałoby mieć naprawdę dobry powód, żeby to wszystko tak po prostu negować.

Może wcale nie używają paczek Pythona z dystrybucji, może nienawidzą tej koncepcji samej w sobie i życzą sobie, by zrównano ją z ziemią, a każdy użytkownik brał paczki wprost z #PyPI, albo innego ekosystemu. No ale nie zgadniecie — są jednak ludzi, którym te nasze paczki pomagają, i którzy chcą ich używać. I są projekty, które nie są w stanie działać w innym ekosystemie, bo potrzebują lepszego zarządzania pakietami. A my jesteśmy tu właśnie dla nich.

No więc, spoko. Może nie używają dystrybucji, nad którą ja pracuję, ani nawet żadnych projektów, przy których pracuję. Może nie zgadzają się z żadnymi moimi pomysłami, może cała moja praca jest dla nich bez wartości. Może nigdy z niej nie skorzystają. Ani ich znajomi, rodziny, ani nikt, kto ich mógłby choć trochę obchodzić. Ale mimo to wszystko, wciąż jest wielu ludzi, którzy potrzebują naszej pracy — więc za kogo mają się ci właśnie autorzy, żeby pokazywać im wszystkim digitus impudicus?

Some days I'm so tired of upstream developers being so adverse to downstream maintainers. Like, it's not just the ungratefulness — it's like completely neglecting the tons of work we're putting into keeping things working. And they literally rely on our work (unless they're running their own distribution).

Yeah, sure, maybe you don't use #Gentoo. Maybe you use #Debian, or #Fedora, or #Arch, or their derivates, or some other independent distribution. Does that mean that Gentoo work is insignificant? What if the developers of your distribution are facing exactly the same problem? And even if they weren't, does that mean that upstreams using Gentoo should become adverse to the distribution you're using?

Yeah, sure, maybe you don't agree with one of our principles or another. Maybe you even are a Gentoo user, yet disagree with how Gentoo works. Well, even so, you're not the only Gentoo user out there. We're doing the best we can with what we have, and we're trying to make sure things work best for everyone in Gentoo. I'm not saying we're always right, but you really should have a good reason to despise all the work we've been doing.

Yeah, sure, maybe you don't use distribution #Python packaging at all, maybe you despise it entirely and wish it would all be burned down to the ground in favor of everyone using wheels from #PyPI, or whatever. But guess what — there are people who actually find it advantageous, and benefit from it, and want to use it. And there are projects that simply don't work in that ecosystem at all, and need a better package manager. And we're here, for them.

So, yeah, sure. Maybe you don't use the distribution I'm working on, nor any projects I'm working on. Maybe you disagree with me on every single principle, and don't see any purpose in any of my work. Maybe you will never use any of it. Maybe your friends or your family, or anyone you know or care about will even benefit from any of it. Still, there's a lot of people who do and who need this, and who are you to give them the digitus impudicus?

My laptop is from 2013. It was OK back then. It's now running #Debian and works fine. It got an SSD a few years ago and a new battery last year.

It does all the things I need a laptop for and would be good enough for 99% of consumers.

Most people could greatly benefit in many ways from #Linux. What's a good way to get people to try Linux? Genuine question.

Tom's Hardware · Linux or Landfill? End of Windows 10 Leaves PC Charities with Tough ChoiceVon Avram Piltch

#Linux Weekly Roundup for March 16th, 2025: #Debian 12.10, #KDE Plasma 6.3.3, #Garuda #COSMIC preview, #DXVK 2.6, #Ubuntu to adopt #Rust-based GNU Coreutils, #GStreamer 1.26, KDE Frameworks 6.12, #ChimeraLinux drops #RISCV support, #Audacity 3.7.2, #digiKam 8.6, #LXQt 2.2 features, #Mesa 25.1 defaulting to NVK, #Bodhi Linux 8 to ship with new theme, and more

🏕️ my adventures in #selfhosting - day 89 ✨

Oh #PeerTube, you are making me do mental somersaults as I strategize about the best way to self-host my videos.

This newbie wants to ask: how many VPS’s are too many for someone who has little coding experience and has been self-hosting for just 3 months?

Fedi friends, I’m thinking of signing up for a THIRD VPS 😱


My current setup:

1️⃣ 5€/month Debian VPS with #YunoHost, where I’m self-hosting #GoToSocial (this account), #Friendica, #Pixelfed, #Fail2Ban and #LinkStack.
2️⃣ 5€/month Ubuntu VPS where I am self-hosting my (upcoming) #Ghost blog (this will make me save a ton, compared to my current Ghost Pro plan).

Back to PeerTube: I could easily upgrade my #Debian VPS and install it there - the costs would be minimal and I would double my RAM and storage. But I am afraid of PeerTube’s consumption when it comes to bandwidth. As in: if I upload a video that for some reason becomes really popular, or if a bad actor decides to DDOS my channel, would that take down all my other self-hosted Fediverse instances? Since they are on the same VPS?

I could limit potential issues by having a dedicated VPS just for PeerTube.

What would you do?

And do you have recommendations for Europe-based VPS’s with affordable plans? (aside from Hostinger) I was thinking of #Hetzner…

#MySoCalledSudoLife #AskFedi

after many days of work, here is another functional demo of #GNOME shell running on the secondary display connected to the #flx1. it took many hours to build the app and make everything act nice and not crash and integrate cleanly. still a long way to go but i think it is a good time to showcase the progress in the past 7 days.

i hope to get this ready and done by 13.0.9 which is the next release but obviously no promises.


RFE I filed in #DNF just now:

This lets apps like #Ptyxis to do nice progress indicators.

Someone who is a #Debian contributor, do yourself a favour: please* file an enhancement request on #APT & apt-get to support this progress indication integration feature (like Flatpak can do, and hopefully DNF can do too, eventually). I'm not going to report an issue in Debian, given its bug reporting tooling.

I'd fully expect Arch's #pacman to already have this shipping BTW 😏