The main Fediverse platforms offer various protection tools: Mute and Block. For example, on Mastodon, the mute function can be set for a specific period of time. Mute means you won't see that person's posts, but you'll still be notified if they mention or tag you. A Block, on the other hand, means you don't want to see anything related to that person anymore. It's a much more radical action, useful if that person is disrupting your experience, offending you, or displaying any other serious behavior. In such cases, it’s important to file a report so administrators can take action and learn more about the user.
Sometimes I see advice to block immediately anyone posting content you don't want to see. In my opinion, if the content is simply not of interest to you, a mute is enough, while a block is more appropriate for people displaying clearly negative behavior.
Many platforms also offer filters: you can choose which words or hashtags you don't want to see and, accordingly, hide them. Filters can help personalize and improve your overall social experience.