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“Has the world given up on Gaza? Has the world put its fingers in its ears now?”

LBC radio host James O’Brien questioned why Israel cutting off aid to the Gaza Strip on Sunday has gained less media attention than a BBC documentary on Gaza.

The documentary sparked controversy after it was revealed that its 13-year-old narrator, Abdullah al-Yazuri, is the son of a deputy minister of agriculture in Gaza, which is administered by Hamas.

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

A far-right Jewish/Israeli group that claimed credit for the arrest of a Palestinian activist and permanent US resident who the Trump administration is seeking to deport claims it has submitted “thousands of names” for similar treatment.

Betar said on Monday that it had “been working on deportations and will continue to do so”, and warned that the effort would extend beyond immigrants. “Expect naturalized citizens to start being picked up within the month,” the group’s post on X read.

It was revealed this week by Zeteo that Khalil had emailed Columbia University the day before his arrest, appealing for protection and telling the university’s interim president that he was being subjected to a “dehumanizing doxxing campaign” that week led by Davidai and David Lederer.

#israel #betar #enemiesOfDemocracy #hostilestateactors #palestine #gaza

The Guardian · Pro-Israel group says it has ‘deportation list’ and has sent ‘thousands’ of names to Trump officialsVon Anna Betts
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I couldn't ever vote for a racist rapist such as trump, & can't help but participate in the Tesla demos against fascist musk. However, I have not lessoning, but increasing sympathy for folks who saw the Biden Administration's loyal support for indicted war criminal Netanyahu, which enabled his genocide of Palestinians, as intolerable. I grieve our betrayal of Ukraine, & have donated to Ukraine many times, but I also grieve for children buried under the rubble of Gaza. #Palestine

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US Fascism has academia in its crosshairs now. The whole point is to terrorize us into silence. I'm still considering going to the #AAG in Detroit, but considering if my financial, intellectual, and emotional labour is better spent elsewhere (e.g. #Palestine). In any case, and I have a call with an immigration US lawyer later today and will decide last-minute. Thankfully I can defer the decision because I don't have expensive flights to rebook.


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As #German expansion increased the European dimensions of the so-called Jewish problem, and as the realization grew that the millions of #Jews living in Germany's new Lebensraum in the East might never fit into tiny #Palestine, the idea of dumping millions of Jews on the island of #Madagascar gained popularity among certain circles of German policy makers.
@israel @palestine @iran @lebanon @yemen @syria @ireland @histodons @russia @uk @australia

www.museumoftolerance.comAnnual 4 Chapter 17

Israeli PM Netanyahu accused Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar of orchestrating a "campaign of blackmail” against him after a former head of the internal security service threatened in an interview Thursday to reveal “everything he knows” about Netanyahu if he acts unlawfully.

“If I come to the conclusion that the PM has decided to act against the law, there will be no choice—I will say everything I know and have withheld until now," Nadav Argaman said

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine premier accuses Shin Bet chief of 'mafia-style' blackmailClaim comes after former Shin Bet head threatens to reveal ‘everything he knows’ about Netanyahu if he acts unlawfully - Anadolu Ajansı

I don't understand the unfortunate tolerance of anti-Semitism on the left. I strongly support the rights of Jewish and Palestinian peoples, but I strongly oppose the genocidal policies of the Israeli government (which obviously doesn't represent the Jewish people).

Opposing the Israeli government shouldn't mean opposing Judaism. Ostensibly it doesn't, but many on the left conflate the two, giving fuel to right-wing criticisms of opposing Israel.

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Zunächst mal danke für den Hinweis auf Yehuda Shaul. Ja, ich kenne Breaking the Silince.
Ich sende hier mal paar Links aus meiner Sammlung zum Thema. Einiges ist auf englisch, klar.

@matzeschmidt @tazgetroete

Transnational Social Strike Platform - · Auf der Seite der Unterdrückten. Gaza, Israel und die Ablehnung der Logik des Krieges - Transnational Social Strike PlatformErklärung der Permanent Assembly Against The War vom 28.10.2023 English Seit dem 7. Oktober werden wir wieder dazu gedrängt, uns zu entscheiden. Wir sollen uns entscheiden, ob wir das langanhaltende System der Ausbeutung und Gewalt der israelischen Regierung unterstützen oder das Gemetzel der Hamas im Namen der nationalen Befreiung. Die Medien und alle Institutionen, die...

In a heated speech on Thursday morning, Schumer argued for a new election in #Israel & the end of Netanyahu’s reign. Schumer said that he had “lost his way” & criticized him for fraternizing with far-right extremists

“Nobody expects PM #Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break cycle of #violence, preserve Israel’s credibility on the world stage, & work towards a 2-state solution,” he said

#Trump #AIPAC #Politics #USpol #Palestine

“The moral component of history, the most necessary component, is simply a single question, asked over and over again: When it mattered, who sided with justice and who sided with power? What makes moments such as this one so dangerous, so clarifying, is that one way or another everyone is forced to answer.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

Open letter from over 250 archaeologists and cultural heritage professionals calling on the World Archaeological Congress to join the Palestinian-led academic boycott of Israel in response to "Israel's crimes against Palestinians, including its genocide in Gaza and its underlying apartheid regime" and "targeted destruction of Palestinian cultural heritage":

Sign here (before 18 March):

Google DocsWAC open letter Feb 18_2025.pdf

My latest: Last year, I covered the chaos as a peaceful protest for #Palestine at the University of Texas at #Austin was attacked by state troopers and local police. Unknown to me, a respected UT professor I'd interviewed for other stories was also there, and was about to have an encounter with cops that would cost him his career.

Today, Austin Free Press is releasing video from that incident showing the trooper deliberately shoving him multiple times.

A State Trooper and former UT professor, Richard Heyman in a confrontation during the April 29th pro-Palestinian protest on UT-Austin's campus.
Austin Free Press · Days of rage: A U.T. professor and state trooper collideA State Trooper lost his $62 bicycle bell; a UT professor lost his job of 19 years.
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Thanks for your reply.

To clarify, when I was speaking about the *system*, I was speaking about the ruling class that controls the system.

I should have just used the phrase *ruling class* instead of *the system* in few places. Thats a mistake on my part & only on retrospect I can think of that.

But having said that, even if we use the phrase *ruling class* in places where I used the word *system*, my broader point still remain valid.

> … there is the question of how white supremacy undermines worker solidarity, etc.

I agree with the competing nature of that white supremacy politics vs broader anti-domination politics, of which, worker solidarity politics forms one stream amongst many interconnected streams of politics that aims to undermine those exclusionary politics.

But my point is about these politics needs to be consciously be aware of the fact that the white supremacy politics aims to not allow existing distribution of power to change (in broader society at large), and in large society, there are serious power asymmetries that were already brought in reality by those policies (from past). White supremacy politics already recognize existing distribution in society is already biased towards certain groups & they would either want to keep existing distributions as is (or) make it worse in the wrong direction. They dont want equalization because they already recognize existing disparities in society.

This also doesnt mean, white supremacy politics gives better deal to white people relative to say Anarchist politics (they dont), but within the logic of existing ruling class politics (politics of enclosure), they do ensure the distribution of power remains in the white hands relative to other groupings. They want to be higher in the pecking order, relative to the others in the society, even if broader ruling classes do enjoy disproportionate advantage over them.

Focus of my point was about identifying, within the logic of existing system (not within the logic of future Anarchist society), if the proponents of an ideology do benefit/benefited in existing systems relative to others or not. If those bigoted politics of unfairness are only useful tools who reap no reward to those who pursue it i.e they are not a direct beneficiary of the said policy (or) if there are actual tangible benefits we can observe amongst the groups that pursue any unfair policy, which goes beyond just ruling class using them cynically (ruling class uses everyone is a given, on which both of us have no disagreement, but dispute is about whether certain groups who pursue specific unfair policies get unfair advantage they pursued or not relative to others, on that my answer is yes, even if the advantage is not enjoyed by everyone in the cohort).

It goes without saying, all politics of domination that ruling class either pursues or enables or tolerates benefits ruling class in some manner. If it doesnt, it will represses them thoroughly or atleast tries to repress them at every step of the way. That doesnt mean, every unfair policy ruling class pursues benefits everyone in the larger cohort. Even if not everyone got the benefits (may be some from larger cohort are scapegoats to pursue that policy), doesnt mean the larger cohort per se is not the beneficiary (atleast relative to others),

In our shithole, tho we are a non-white society, the underlying politics of domination (from my community) are very similar to white supremacist politics in West are. I often see the exact same argument furthered by people from my community who say the poorest amongst our group too suffer & hence our group (not all of us, but the broader group that enjoys relative advantage over others) is not a beneficiary. All I know is that position is not backed by evidence, even tho there are large number of people from my community who are at the bottom of the pyramid.

> … it seems that the burden of proof would actually rest on you to show that the racialized disparities in wealth and power are *identical* among both the poorest and the richest. That seems unlikely.

I am not sure if this needs to be proven, to conclude an important pillar of white supremacist politics is an attempt to keeping white cohort at relative advantageous position relative to other cohorts.

So long as the observation is broadly true (i.e whites as a group has relative advantage over other groups), those who pursue white supremacist politics broadly believe it to be true, and those pursuing those policies aim to reach that goal, and we have distribution of power (material/other) that reflects those policies, is sufficient evidence to conclude the intended beneficiary is what it says on the paper, even if the policy is not successful 100% of the time & even if everyone in the cohort dont get the benefits of the supremacist politics.

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism

“Trump's characterisation of Mahmoud is completely ridiculous and, frankly, defamatory.”

Former British diplomat, Andrew Waller, reveals Khalil, described by Trump as a 'Radical Foreign Pro-Hamas Student', was 'cleared to work on sensitive issues for the British government'.

The US president described Khalil as a "Radical Foreign Pro-Hamas Student" and announced that his arrest was "the first arrest of many to come".

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

On *Poor white* red herring

This is a response to a comrade. See link for understanding the context.

Since I thought this is an important point that sheds light on common mythology built around a specific group of people from dominant segments of society, I moved this to a separate post so its importance is emphasized.


Although we both agree on the important role systems play in the fates of peasants, but I clearly see that we disagree about who the direct & chief beneficiaries of various forms of domination are.

Since I adhere to the thesis of systems of domination explanation & degrees of culpability, going from direct beneficiaries first to indirect beneficiaries later, focussing on both [visible] material gains & [invisible] non-material gains accrued to some groups more than others (as material gains can be clearly seen in only some situations than in other situations), since you took the example of *Poor Whites*, I thought we should take a look at the material reality faced by various segments of society.

Towards this, when you say:

> Surely you can see how absurd it would be to argue that the ones who benefit MOST from white supremacy are poor white people.

With that, to me it seems you are denying the material reality that the beneficiaries of white supremacy are not white people as a cohort, but the real beneficiary is the abstract system (or) that everyone benefits equally/near equally in a system thats designed to benefit some at others expense & there will be no losers in the broader target beneficiary cohort. But in my view, thats contrary to evidence.

We have to compare apples with apples, rather than comparing apples to oranges.

We need to look at Whites vs Blacks, Rich Whites vs Rich Blacks, Middle class Whites vs Middle class Blacks, Poor whites vs Poor Blacks, Rich Whites vs Poor Whites, Rich Blacks vs Poor Blacks, quality of life of people in those cohorts, most importantly, number of people in those cohorts at the top vs bottom within each racial cohort, material condition of those in those segments of society, how easy/difficult for the said Poor white man/woman to change that status within the white cohort — say by dating/marrying a rich person within white cohort, getting help from another rich white person who is willing to help them out, the likelihood of such help coming because of number of people in those cohorts that can help them and so on (vs) Same for black/brown people, and so on.

Also, we need to look at the median income, 90th percentile income, 99th percentile income & resources they consume relative to other groups. All of that forms the basis of material reality, to find the direct & as per your categorization *chief beneficiary*.

So, I came across this study that looked at the wealth owned by typical whites vs typical blacks. It sheds more light on the situation, to determine if the direct & chief beneficiary of white supremacy is white population or not (or) is it just ruling class (what % of ruling class are white vs people belonging to other groups, in societies where there is a sizable white population?).

Ruling class benefits from all forms of hierarchy they tolerate &/ enable, not just white supremacist form of hierarchy, but white supremacy served those who control the top quite well, for many generations, while also directly & chiefly benefitting those in that white cohort, relative to those who dont belong to the white cohort.

This is what that study says.

> In South Africa, the typical Black household owns 5 per cent of the wealth held by the typical White household. In the US, the typical Black household owns 6 per cent of the wealth held by the typical White household. In both countries, a racial wealth gap exists at different levels of education and income. The fact that the racial wealth gap in the US is similar to that of a country that recently emerged from apartheid is a sobering indictment. [1]

That clarifies quite a lot as to who the beneficiary of a white supremacist society are.

Also, when you say:

> So yes, the chief beneficiary of transphobia is the ruling class. The ruling class is using transphobia to distract and manipulate poor people.

If you see the *chief beneficiary* of transphobia to be ruling class, not transphobes, then we are trying to reduce *chief beneficiary* to larger machines, by reducing everything to *Well, those control the system benefits, not the transphobe who is imposing his/her will on trans people using that larger machine*. Since the material benefit accrued to transphobe is bit hard to quantify (even tho the will of transphobe is directly now imposed on trans person by the transphobe by using the system), your explanation is that the *chief beneficiary* is still *ruling class*, not the person/group that just imposed their will unjustly over others using the concentrated power of ruling class.

With your explanation, we have to assume the *chief beneficiary* of a misogynist society is not Male cohort, because a Poor man is also oppressed by the system as much as a Poor Woman, because there are larger systems at play. Going a step further, we can chalk up everything to, *Well, those systems are the *chief beneficiaries*, not those who want to impose their will over others & use the system to get what they want (or) keep the things the way they are*.

In my view, that approach simply denies material reality & complicates the world far more than it simplifies, for no significant gain in return.

I also took a look at the beneficiaries of Settler-Colonial terrorism of Zionist Jews in Entity.

Here is what I found — just on the dimension of material benefit, ignoring the benefits that accrued by land grabs — most of the Palestinian land is now stolen by & in the hands of Zionist Jews, not the abstract "system"; ignoring the material benefit that society — not just ruling class — gained from that by converting that captive Palestinian population into guinea pigs for testing the most sophisticated weapons & build a "industry" of slaughter in collusion with Western Empire, building other systems of larger scale spying & social control, exporting that "tech" to other repressive regimes and so on. Beyond that, we cant even measure the unquantifiable benefits of imposing one's will over others (even if it doesnt have any direct material benefit, its still a benefit for the group that makes use of it), and so on.

So, this kind of shows who the direct & *chief* beneficiaries of Jewish supremacist settler-colonial terrorism that we call Zionism in Entity.

> Israel median household income (PPP) hit $41,050 in 2021, an increase of 3.1% over the previous year. [2]

Compare that to Palestinian population (since this is GDP, avg Palestinian gets far less income than this, since its not even avg, this implies, median income will be significantly lower than avg income)

> West Bank and Gaza gdp per capita for 2021 was $3,679, a 13.76% increase from 2020. [3]

We can clearly see, who the *direct* & *chief* beneficiaries of Zionist terrorism are. Its not just the "ruling class". There are large segments of peasant cohorts who chiefly benefit from that settler-colonial domination.

In my explanation, I dont deny the role played by larger systems, but I dont deny the direct & *chief* beneficiaries of systems of domination when the system gives them what they want — whether the said gain can be materially quantifiable or not, whether they got the full benefit of the bargain they made, whether everyone in the cohort got the expected benefit or not.

Just because a poor white has lost within a white supremacist society, it doesnt mean white supremacist society is not meant to benefit larger white cohort as a group. We can identify the purpose of the system by looking at the results of the systems over a long period of time (in those cases where such data exists).

The *Poor white* argument is a red-herring & is meant to serve a specific end i.e Hiding the underlying reality that benefits that DO accrue to the white cohort in question, not to every individual in the white cohort.

Its akin to a Capitalist saying: Well there are so many bankrupt Capitalists who failed within a Capitalist system. That means, the beneficiaries of Capitalism are not Capitalist cohort, but the [abstract] *Ruling class*.

*Lost Capitalist* argument is exactly same as *Poor white* argument, that Capitalist can come up with. One can say, it too has some element of truth in it, but when we look at the broader trend, we can clearly see the beneficiaries.

This is not in anyway denying some people within a cohorts & some cohorts more than other cohorts benefit more than others in systems of hierarchy (its always a given), but simply showcasing *Poor White* as an explanation why a white supremacist system that beats up everyone far more, ensure relative gains for one group of people at the expense of other groups i.e benefits white cohort far more relatively speaking, only adds needless complexity to a much simpler reality we can observe clearly.

This is not to say *White Poor* are not oppressed by the system, like how, a much larger group of Blacks/Browns are oppressed by the system, but the beneficiaries of white supremacy are white cohorts, not mere abstract "Systems"/"Ruling class".



@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism

#KhalilMahmoud #Palestine #Trump #ICE
Khalil Mahmoud solidarity protesters in Tampa march on UCF

On the 12th of March, protesters supporting Khalil Mahmoud assembled at 50th and Fowler, them marched to the main entrance of University of S Florida (USF). USF infamously sicced the cops on a pro-Palestine encampment in April 2024.

There were protests presumably all over the US for Khalil on March 12. At Columbia where Khalil was a graduate student Jewish students held a large protest denouncing Trump and ICE for the lawless "arrest" of Mahmoud. The protest at USF's gates was part of this day of action.

USF like Columbia U has an infamous record of violently attacking pro-Palestine protests, and of attempting to have pro-Palestine organizers deported after "suspension" or expulsion. Both universities first sicced the cops on student activists, then sicced ICE on them.

Khalil Mahmoud's court hearing did not go wel: the judge while not authorizing immediate deportation allowed ICE to continue holding him, more hearings are scheduled. Trump is beating his chest about this case and warning of more "arrests." One attempt again at Columbia has already been defeated however: ICE agents tried again to enter student housing but were blocked from entering. It is doubtful they will ever get in again short of battering rams and battle.