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Edit: Viele nennen Owncast, falls ihr noch andere Ideen habt gern nennen.
Ich hab auf dem alten Account mal eine Opensourcealternative zu Twitch gesagt bekommen, erinner mich aber nicht mehr. Die wichtigsten Funktionen wären für mich die Möglichkeit über OBS dort zu streamen und den chat so einbinden zu können, dass mir die Nachrichten automatisch vom ScreenReader vorgelesen werden, wie ich es auch bei Twitch habe. Am besten wär natürlich, wenn das ganze zugänglich mit ScreenReader ist, sonst brauch ichs gar nicht probieren. #FediHelp #AskFedi #A11Y #ScreenReader

Having issues with #accessibility on #HamRadioPrep for #ios and the developers don't care. I'm using the #VoiceOver #ScreenReader and the app reads two choices for each answer as if they are shuffling the choices to prevent memorization of the letters. Example: A D all of these choices are correct. Also it doesn't tell me if the answer is correct when I tap on it. I work around this by utilizing the retake missed questions feature

bpa.stView paste 2RY6MUMZBHA7E6RLO64C3L26FE

Curious if any other #jaws users have noticed some weirdness with copying things to the clipboard lately, especially in #WebBrowsers. I primarily use #MicrosoftEdge but have noticed it in other places too. Take this for example: I'm writing some notes on #WCAG success criteria in #Joplin, getting some information from this page on understanding WCAG. I selected the number and name of SC 1.2.3 and pressed CTRL+C. JAWS should have copied " 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)", but all it copied was "1.2.3 ". I tried this several times, making sure I had all the text selected. It's not the first time it's happened lately, either. I've noticed it for at least the last few weeks, and it's very frustrating. Sometimes I'll switch to #NVDA just because I know it will copy things correctly.
#ScreenReader #Accessibility #Windows #Windows11 #WindowsEleven
@freedomscientific @mastoblind @main

www.w3.orgUnderstanding WCAG 2.1 | WAI | W3C

Hey, #MechanicalKeyboard people! I just got myself a #Ducky One X wireless mechanical keyboard. As a #screenreader user who finds myself constantly running out of keyboard shortcuts, multi-level actuation sounded really exciting to me. Unfortunately, the browser-based programmer at is entirely inaccessible. Apparently it uses a standard called #QMK or something? I don't build mechanical keyboards; I use them because I love the feedback, so I'm not deep enough into the hobby to know much about this. A browser-based programmer gave me hope that programming would be #accessible, but at least with the official website, that hope turned out to be false. So before I return this thing, do these standards mean there might be other software I can try to program the keyboard, to see if it's more accessible for me? #a11y #keyboard

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@streetartutopia #ALT4U #ALT for #blind people #screenreader #ImageDescription

The picture shows an abstract portrait of a person wearing a dark suit and a red tie. The face is distorted and blurred, with red and white colour tones that look like tears or blood running down. The mouth is wide open in rage. The background is blurred and has brown and grey tones. The overall style of the picture is gloomy and horror-inducing.

#tryHackMe has a new certification out, the Security Analyst Level 1 or #SAL1 for short. I will NOT be covering it on my channel to assess its #accessibility for #screenReader users, because in a sense I already have. I did a stream on their #SOC simulator recently which is a big part of this cert, and that was a disaster. Add to that that on the "About' page, they couldn't even be bothered to #altText the one logo in the descriptive text makes me feel it is utterly unnecessary to even give this a chance. It's a #fail. plain and simple.

What's the state of #matrix, #xmpp and #IRC as far as #screenReader -accessible clients are concerned? Desktop (Windows, Mac) and mobile (iOS, Android).

Hoping for some input, please feel free to boost. As far as I know:

Matrix does not have a lightweight, fully accessible client for desktop, but one could be modified, such as #gomuks. On mobile, Element has scrolling issues, which is unacceptable for large rooms.

XMPP has accessible desktop clients (I used to run #Adium on the Mac), also #WeeChat. No idea about mobile.

IRC is perhaps the one which everything supports on desktop, from #MirandaIM through Weechat to the old Freedom Chat, which I could probably rewrite if I had to. Also not sure about mobile, but it would definitely need push notifications, because we can't expect people to stay constantly online on the go. #a11y #accessibility

Eine Frage an die #Screenreader-Nutzer*innen hier: Ich mische ganz gerne mal englische Wörter in meine Tröts (Screenreader z. B.). Wie spuckt das denn so ein Reader aus? Denn die Sprache ist bei mir standardmäßig auf Deutsch eingestellt, ich stelle nur um, wenn ich einen kompletten Tröt auf Englisch verfasse... Anders gefragt: Ist es blöd für #Barrierefreiheit, ohne Not die Sprachen zu mischen? Gerne Retröt für Reichweite, danke.

Edit: Scheint kein Problem zu sein.

Been playing with a video/article concept as of late with the working title"What you see is NOT what you get", pertaining to making things #accessible to fully #blind users.
A lot of #accessibility issues are easy to visualize: a missing ramp in front of a building, bad contrast, missing captions etc. but #screenReader accessibility is a lot more nebulous because there's actually not that much reading of the screen happening. I can't "point" at a screen reader accessibility issue because it happens behind the curtain, in the land of metadata, APIs and standards, rarely on the actual screen, which also makes it more difficult to "visualize" for devs. hrmm.

An interesting remote job for Canadians with print disabilities & experience with #accessibility software. I've worked with someone in one of these positions on a past project and he was giving us feedback on how our documents worked in various screen readers and other devices. but it seems like there's a lot more to it.