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"[T]he NASA of over 50 years ago is beating SpaceX at their own game.

[…] the current design can only take “40–50 tons to orbit,” with no obvious way to correct this.

Starship is an embarrassment, not just for SpaceX, but for the US. It’s not a revolution; it is a nightmare of twisted monopolistic privatisation and the idiotic inefficiency that comes alongside that. It’s pathetic and dangerous, and we can do so much better."

Planet Earth & Beyond · SpaceX Has Finally Figured Out Why Starship Exploded, And The Reason Is Utterly EmbarrassingVon Will Lockett
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2/ Irgendwie scheint das zu dieser ganzen #SpaceX-Geschichte zu passen.

Die Bilder sind von 2014, das Lied ist noch viel älter (von 2008).

Falls Euer Youtube nicht auf 1080 steht, müsst Ihr das selbst einstellen.

#DieArt #Leipzig #Ostmugge #Fotografie #Musik ...

As a “special government employee,” multibillionaire
#Elon #Musk must abide by laws that require government officials to remove themselves from overseeing matters that could impact their financial interests.

However, Musk has shown no attempt to remove himself from matters that involve his companies, #Tesla and #SpaceX,
which account for at least $15.4 billion in government contracts over the past decade
and span multiple government agencies.

Instead, he has grown even wealthier since joining the administration.

In particular, he is closely tied with the FAA’s use of #Starlink, the satellite internet service operated by SpaceX.

💥Musk’s public statements claim that he and DOGE are directly involved with advising the FAA on the modernization of its air traffic control technology.

Musk announced his involvement after publicly criticizing another company that works with the FAA
— and who also directly competes with Starlink.  

After his public statements criticizing his competitor, the FAA reportedly considered canceling a $2.4 billion contract with Verizon.

Separately, the FAA has confirmed that it has begun using Starlink for parts of its air traffic control system.

CLC is calling for an inspector general investigation to confirm these facts and determine whether Elon Musk has violated the law.

Stell dir vor, Du buchst einen Kurzurlaub und dann werden es neun Monate.

Aber ich finde es ja auch bei Flügen ok. Wenn man ein Jahr in den USA arbeitet, kann man auch hinfliegen. Mal für ein Wochenende nach New York ist eher scheiße.

tagesschau.deGestrandete US-Astronauten: ISS-Rückholmission gestartetGestrandete US-Astronauten: ISS-Rückholmission gestartet

Neun Monate unfreiwillig im Weltall: Jetzt werden Astronauten von der ISS zurückgeholt

Eigentlich sollten die beiden Astronauten nur einige Tage auf der ISS bleiben. Wegen einer Panne wurden daraus mehrere Monate. Jetzt ist eine SpaceX-Rakete unterwegs, die sie abholen soll. OWie die Aktion läuft, lest ihr hier!

NASA and Space X successfully launched a rocket carrying a multinational crew, including Japanese astronaut Takuya Onishi, from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Friday, following a postponement earlier in the week. #worldnews #sciencehealth #space #spacex #nasa #jaxa #iss

The Japan Times · NASA launches ISS-bound SpaceX rocket with Japanese astronaut aboardVon Jessica Speed

You might get hit by "Musk droppings. “One of my favorite places…is Providenciales, part of the Turks & Caicos Islands… A few days ago Providenciales was hit with parts of a #SpaceX rocket that exploded after takeoff. Debris rained down on houses & yards, & in the water, with pieces of rocket washing up on beaches. Let’s call these “#MuskDroppings”. Turks & Caicos isn’t the only place dealing with #Musk’s #spacejunk.” Mark Hurst, January 2025 @markhurst

Creative Good · You might get hit by "Musk droppings," but there's still reason for hopeVon Creative Good