Evaluating What Skills You Can Bring to #RadicalOrganizing
"It’s really easy when looking at the big picture of organizing, to not know where to start or how to help. It can get debilitating and paralyzing. And I, as somebody with anxiety, definitely look at the big picture sometimes and don’t know what to do or how to help and end up getting frozen. Sometimes I don’t help because I don’t know where to go.
"Part of being comfortable giving, volunteering, and working in solidarity with people is knowing how you can give. We are going to talk about different ways that you can look at your skills so you know exactly how you can help. With the combination of knowing your skills and knowing your boundaries, you can fully, enthusiastically consent to whatever you are signing up for.
"Not all organizing is intense or glamorous. Skills come from all over. You may not even realize you have skills that can be used for #MutualAid organizing. Often, we think only specific skills are used in mutual aid organizing. This is not necessarily the case. We need more than just rally speakers, meeting leaders, and flier makers.
"First of all, what do you think of off the top of your head of things that you are good at? What are you proud of, that you know you do well? What is your ideal way to show up and help a friend or organization?
"If you were imagining there was a project happening in your area, think of an ideal 30 minutes of time volunteering, what would that look like? Would it be helping greet people as they come in? Giving a training? Signing up people? Cooking in a kitchen? Would it be handing out fliers? Would it be yelling in a fascist’s face? Look at what you would think you would feel the most comfortable doing inside of an organization."
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#SolarPunkSunday #CommunityOrganizing #CommunityBuilding #Resistance #Organizing #RadicalCommunityBuilding