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Supported by Rewilding Britain, the Network helps practitioners who are rewilding on land or at sea to connect, share experiences, ideas and expertise. Working together is crucial if we’re to respond at the scale and speed urgently required.
#SolarPunkSunday #SolarPunk #CommunityBuilding #ReWilding #RewildingBritain

estuary with rainbow
Rewilding BritainThe Rewilding NetworkIf you’re into rewilding, and want to connect with others of a like mind, then this is the place for you.

Standing offer:

Leave me a private reply with your phone number, email address, or Signal username. I will choose a random day in the next month to text or email you and ask how you’re doing.

You can answer honestly or talk about whatever you want. I promise you, I’ll think it’s interesting.

When the conversation is over, we don’t ever have to talk again. Unless you want to. 🤷

(No ulterior motives. I will not exploit the conversation for any kind of gain.)


Evaluating What Skills You Can Bring to #RadicalOrganizing

"It’s really easy when looking at the big picture of organizing, to not know where to start or how to help. It can get debilitating and paralyzing. And I, as somebody with anxiety, definitely look at the big picture sometimes and don’t know what to do or how to help and end up getting frozen. Sometimes I don’t help because I don’t know where to go.

"Part of being comfortable giving, volunteering, and working in solidarity with people is knowing how you can give. We are going to talk about different ways that you can look at your skills so you know exactly how you can help. With the combination of knowing your skills and knowing your boundaries, you can fully, enthusiastically consent to whatever you are signing up for.

"Not all organizing is intense or glamorous. Skills come from all over. You may not even realize you have skills that can be used for #MutualAid organizing. Often, we think only specific skills are used in mutual aid organizing. This is not necessarily the case. We need more than just rally speakers, meeting leaders, and flier makers.

"First of all, what do you think of off the top of your head of things that you are good at? What are you proud of, that you know you do well? What is your ideal way to show up and help a friend or organization?

"If you were imagining there was a project happening in your area, think of an ideal 30 minutes of time volunteering, what would that look like? Would it be helping greet people as they come in? Giving a training? Signing up people? Cooking in a kitchen? Would it be handing out fliers? Would it be yelling in a fascist’s face? Look at what you would think you would feel the most comfortable doing inside of an organization."

Link to PDF:
#SolarPunkSunday #CommunityOrganizing #CommunityBuilding #Resistance #Organizing #RadicalCommunityBuilding

"Beyond #Cryptoparty s" beschreibt ganz gut auch unser Verhältnis zur gegenseitigen #Weiterbildung untereinander (z.B. für das #Organizing am #Arbeitsplatz):
- Baue Hürden zur Teilnahme ab.
- Passe die Inhalte dem vorhandenen #Wissen und das #Threadmodelling der Teilnehmenden an
- Es geht nicht nur um die reine frontale #Wissensvermittlung, sondern um #CommunityBuilding mit Austausch und langfristiger Bindung.

6.6: Emotional Literacy with Dr Tiffany Millacci

In this week’s episode, Ariel quizzes guest Dr Tiffany Millacci about emotional literacy. What is this relatively new phrase? How can being emotionally literate help us to navigate difficult conversations, awkward interactions, or even generally just having relationships in the first place? Isn’t all this talk of emotions just a different way for the self-help industry to get us to buy stuff?

Join us for a fascinating conversation about a complex topic - we barely skim the surface! But never fear, Dr Millacci has your back; listen in for some good places to start learning more.

Check out our blog for links!

Disclaimer: We’re coming from a white, western viewpoint and we recognize the limitations and strictures of that - even within the same cultures and societies (heck, within the same families) emotional expression can vary wildly according to personality, gender, neurodivergence, whatever your social location. This interview necessarily takes broad strokes to begin a conversation about how to better be in community with each other, and it is our hope that we can continue to showcase how this can vary, taking steps towards a solarpunk future where people can disagree - even on important topics like politics and religion - without violence or relationship rupture.

Save the date: November Micro Conference

📅 November 13th, 2024 | 11 AM Eastern

Karen Sandler @karen Executive Director of Software Freedom Conservancy and Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia Law School, will be joining us for an interview-style talk on Building a Thriving Community 🌍.

Learn about SFC's "Sustainers" program and how you can foster a supportive tech community.

This FREE event is open to all!

👉 Register now:

apereo.civicrm.orgApereo Micro Conference: Nov 13, 2024 | Apereo Foundation

So, I am noticing a significant bifurcation of those who have been through some shit and have an array of adversity skills, and those who, well to state it politely, just don't.

In the hopes of shifting that a bit I would love to hear from you brilliant beautiful tenacious humans about skills you learned, how you learned them, that sorta thing.

As usual I will mostly ⭐ boop, but am listening.

I'm the maintainer of @distrochooser.

Currently I am overhauling the project and opening the data entirely (had a closed database previously).

Also, started a #discord server recently (

While the project has almost 700 stars on #GitHub there is no discussion running - but as as the project is dependent on participation for the overhaul (e.g. for translations), this becomes an issue. Does anyone has tips for me for #communitybuilding?


DiscordJoin the Distrochooser Discord Server!Check out the Distrochooser community on Discord – hang out with 4 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

🌟 Was bringt die Zukunft für Enterprise Social Networks (#ESN) und Communities? Lasst es uns gemeinsam herausfinden!

Am 18. Juli beim nächsten #C3Managers Call freuen wir uns auf Harald Schirmer von Continental, der uns als Gastredner beehrt.

#KnowledgeSharing #CommunityBuilding

📅 Save the Date und seid dabei!

⭐ Mehr über unseren Gastredner Harald Schirmer und seine spannende Arbeit.

Kommt zahlreich und bringt eure Fragen mit!

Antwortete im Thread

In fact, I'd love to curate a thread where folks share (if they have it at the ready) any resources, gifs, memes, images, whatever about what building community looks like.

Like here's a Tok from a young person about 12 ways NOT to invite the police into your community in order to keep the community safe. Things like that.

#CommunityBuilding #WeTakeCareOfUs

www.tiktok.comTikTok - Make Your Day