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:boost_requested: Dear Fediverse, I am about to step up into my first role as a tech lead (*context in follow-up post) and would like to ask some questions to help me prepare & improve:


  • 🔵 Technical: Devs, DevOps, Infra
  • 🟠 Product: Marketing, UX/Design, etc
  • 🟣 Business: HR, management C-roles.


  1. What are your initial thoughts when you hear you'll be getting a new tech lead?
  2. What are your hopes & expectations for them?
  3. What are your concerns when a new "tech lead" is hired?
  4. What changes do you hope for, or expect?

❗ Please add your colour to your reply & poll.

Lastly, if you have other advice for someone who wishes to be the best possible tech lead of their teams.

This is not a popular opinion, but I have come to believe that social movements do not ultimately bring systematic change. Not be a contrarian, but I think it takes the right individual that sparks the final measure that brings about real, fundamental change. Let me give some examples.

Martin Luther King, Jr. I know he didn't do it on his own, but he was a singular force, and that is authentic.

From fiction:

Gabriel Bell from the famous Star Trek: DS9 two-parter, "Past Tense" and the Bell Riots. Yes, he also very much did not do it on his own, but he was a force to be reckoned with.

John Sheridan from Babylon 5. He also did not do it on his own, he had both an immediate crew and an extended crew, but he was hands on and even died only to come back and finish the job. He ultimately made the decisions that changed history.

I know how generic I sound. I know I seem like I lack faith in the collective. Well, having lived with severe disability for 27 years, yes, I do lack faith in people at large. I know what you are willing to do to me when no one else is watching. I know it takes a single soul, the right person who possesses the qualities that the collective claims to be in favor of, but they are never actually capable of those moral values, not personally, they are not. It will take one leader to bring change. The group cannot do it.


Dear sisters, please don’t give up…

Don’t give up on your dreams.

Don’t give up on your voice.

Don’t give up on your rights.

Don’t give up on your ambitions.

Don’t give up on your professional aspirations.

Don’t give up on your goals.

Don’t give up on your vision.

Don’t give up on your personal growth.

Don’t give up on your authentic self.

Happy International Women's Day!

People managers:

Folks on your teams are freaked out. As we all are. And if you lead a team that's doing some kind of social justice work they are going to ask uncomfortable questions about what you're doing to fight.

For the love of Martin and Malcolm, do NOT tone police their fear, anger, and upset.

Yeah, their tone upset you? Well, they're trans and live in a Red state, Susan. They are justifiably upset and terrified.
They're gay-married, George. The entire legal fabric of their family is about to get ripped apart.
Her dad is undocumented, Sally. And she hasn't heard from him in a week.

Jesus christ, people! WTF.
Dig deep for your goddamn humanity.


Macron interrompe e corregge Trump quando mente dicendo che l'Europa presta soldi all'Ucraina

Macron interrupts and corrects Trump after he falsely claims "Europe is loaning the money to Ukraine. They get their money back."

#Neuhier – Hallo Mastodon! 👋
(english Version below)

Ich freue mich, hier dabei zu sein! 🙌

🔹 Wer bin ich?
Ich bin #Wissenschaftlerin aus dem Bereich der #Wirtschaftspsychologie und #Wirtschaftsinformatik und beschäftige mich intensiv mit #Transformationen und damit zusammenhängende Aspekte wie #Agilität, #Führung und #Digitalisierung / #KI – insbesondere mit der Frage, wie dieses ominöse agile #Mindset entsteht und welche Faktoren es beeinflussen.

🔹 Was könnt ihr hier erwarten?
✨ Einblicke in die #Forschung, #Praxis und #Lehre rund um Menschen bei der Arbeit
✨ Diskussionen und Austausch zu Agilität, #Scrum, #KI (in der #Lehre), #PsychologischeSicherheit, Führung, und Mindset

Ich freue mich auf spannende Gespräche und neue Perspektiven! 🚀

Mit wem sollte ich mich dazu unbedingt vernetzen? Ich freue mich über Eure Vorschläge und Ideen! 😊

Danke an @derralf, der mir geholfen hat, endlich einen jetzt "aktiven" Anfang in Mastodon zu wagen 🙏


#NewHere – Hello Mastodon! 👋

Excited to be here! 🙌

🔹 Who am I?
I’m a researcher in the fields of business psychology and business informatics, deeply engaged in transformation topics, including agility, leadership, and digitalization/AI. My main focus: How does this elusive agile mindset emerge, and what factors influence it?

🔹 What can you expect here?
✨ Insights into #research, practice, and #teaching, about people at work
✨ Discussions and exchanges on #agility, #scrum, #AI (in #education) #psychologicalsafety, #leadership and #mindset

Looking forward to exciting conversations and new perspectives! 🚀

Who should I definitely connect with on these topics? I’d love to hear your suggestions and ideas! 😊

Big thanks to @derralf for helping me finally take the leap and become active on Mastodon! 🙏

Good intentions and righteous justice are not enough without **strategy** — especially when trying to *fix* things from a grass-roots and less-powerful position.

(versus the ease of having power and of breaking things)

Attuning to our feelings is a *separate* first step before deciding actions. Un-reviewed, un-questioned, no-discussion compulsive #activism will continue to LOSE against the strategic methods of those working to undermine healthy society.

Für Kurzentschlossene: In weniger als vier Stunden startet sogleich um 9 Uhr die Ausgabe 2025 der Online-Konferenz „Tought #Leadership in der #IT“ von IT-Daily! Ich freue mich, die Konferenz mit meiner #Keynote zu den digitalen Folgen der #Trump-Wahl zu eröffnen. Konkret wird es um Denkanstöße gehen, wie sich die digitale #Lieferkette und ihre Abhängigkeiten im Verhältnis #EU-#USA in mehr als 25 Jahren entwickelt haben und was wir jetzt für mehr #Souveränität tun müssen:

"Many people bought a car. Not an ideology." - Futurist Jim Carroll

It's an "interesting" time to own a Tesla.

I've said before that it is becoming increasingly difficult to be someone who speaks and writes about the future when so much of the future has become massively volatile and wildly unpredictable. It becomes even more difficult when you find yourself caught up in a hot mess that you didn't anticipate or wish for.

Today's image is from the day I drove my Model 3 for the first time when I purchased it just under 4 years ago. I was thrilled to finally have the vehicle that I spoke about on the stage for years. A brand and vehicle that was indicative of bold thinking, radical design, massive connectivity, and eco-friendliness. It was a revolutionary project, redefining the future of one of the world's biggest industries. The founder was a true visionary, someone willing to shatter the norms in pursuit of a better future.

Today, to be honest, it's a bit difficult to drive around in it.

I feel like I'm being branded with something that I did not subscribe to.
All the stuff I just wrote above? It seems somewhat like a cruel joke.

A better future? I'm Canadian.

For years, I've observed that a brand today can go from hero to zero overnight.


Have you seen how people are responding? Do a quick search and you'll find dozens if not hundreds of bumper stickers, license plate frames, and other accoutrements by which people share their disgust, weariness, frustration, and disappointment.

I might be compelled to get one, in that I've already had a few people give me the finger while I'm driving.

If you see someone with something like this, give them a wave - be nice to them! As I said, we bought a car, not an ideology. Many Tesla owners I have spoken to are considering selling the car and moving into something that doesn't make a statement but simply does what it is supposed to do.

I consider this course of action regularly. Do I stay or do I go now? It's a dilemma. I still love the car ; the brand and owner not so much.

Many are responding with their wallet. 

The European market - traditionally a stronghold for Tesla - is showing us the power of consumer values in action as people associate the brand with a rapid hero-to-zero transition. We're seeing unprecedented declines: 63% in France, 59% in Germany, 38% in Norway, and similar dramatic drops across other key markets, culminating in a 10%+ European decline in 2024.

This isn't just a market correction - it's a fundamental realignment of consumer values with purchase decisions.

A brand today can go from hero to zero in a matter of months.

Futurist Jim Carroll predicted the Tesla business model in 2006.

**#Brand** **#Leadership** **#Values** **#Innovation** **#Change** **#Decline** **#Reputation** **#Influence** **#Identity** **#Consumer**

Original post: