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I've definitely said it before, but I really, really wish mastodon had any actual admin/moderation tooling.

Quite frankly what we can do as moderators or admins is so incredibly little. Spammers and abusers know this, and make ample use of it.

I've submitted an feature request over here for some additional tooling, but I doubt we will see it soon:

Does anyone know of any tools that do exist, are there forks out there with improved moderation tooling?

Pitch I would greatly appreciate any actual moderation tools, beyond just seeing basic user information. This would be limited for either Admins, or Moderator roles with the correct permissions. At...
GitHubAdditional moderation tools and features · Issue #34209 · mastodon/mastodonVon smiba

howdy, folks - it's been a bit since our last #hachyderm infra check in.

stuff in motion:

- ditching #terraform cloud & tf for #opentofu and #atlantis. we are just about to import our dev environment and put it through its paces.
- bringing #postgresql under ansible management. the team has been doing awesome work, and we've started to spin up dev nodes using the new playbooks. soon: production!
- moving #DNS zones away from AWS route 53. we chose bunny DNS as our provider and have been doing basic tests in dev. we'll likely prep our records for production this week with a plan for a cutover in one of the coming weekends.

and if you filled out our volunteer form and haven't heard from me in a bit - you're still on the list. we'll onboard a new batch of folks in the next couple of weeks.

:hachyderm: :blobfoxheartcute:


Fortgeführter Thread

Also, wir haben gestern ein Support-Ticket an unseren Hoster Hetzner geschickt. Die haben aber erst am Montag wieder auf.
Von daher können wir nur abwarten und hoffen, dass es jetzt erstmal läuft mit der aktuellen Konfiguration.
Ein paar Bilder fehlen hier und da. Das sehen wir auch.


'Nicole' just took an arrow to the knee. In what seems to be a somewhat persistent scam, 'Nicole' creates profiles at multiple instances, usually with poor moderation. Same PFP, same profile text and goes spamming others with discord links.

I went hunting and sniped a few. They won't be spamming anytime soon again :flan_molotov:

I'm looking to make a few minor changes to Mastodon using custom CSS, but I'm not sure how to target e.g. bgcolor for the light mode without impacting the dark mode. Anyone got any pointers? I can't find anything useful online.

entire day blown upgrading to mastodon 4.2.x latest. the upgrade to 4.3 is an absolute nightmare of dependency hell, and proved impossible for my mac server

family favourites included charlock_holmes ruining everything for everyone

edit: if anyone runs into the now-infamous failure to install charlock_holmes, the solution is to manually edit Gemfile and replace its version#

gem 'charlock_holmes', '~> 0.7.9'