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Auf der Mauer, auf der Lauer... Makroafunahme von einer gemeinen Feuerwanze (Pyrrhocoris apterus).
Macro photo of a common fire bug (Pyrrhocoris apterus).

Canon EOS 6D Mark II | Sigma 105mm | f/8 | 1/180s | 08.03.2025

#Photography #naturephotography #insect #insectsofthefediverse #photo #macrophotography #bug #closeup #makro #makrofotografie #natur #nature #macro #macrophoto #canonphotography #canon #sigma #darktable #shallowdepthoffield
Power Pops: Wir haben vom letzten Jahr noch zahlreiche Mohnkapseln zur Samengewinnung für unseren Bio-Bauernhof herumstehen. Im Alltag gehe ich oft an ihnen vorbei - ohne sie auch nur eines Blickes zu würdigen. Wenn aber mein Fotografisches Auge erwacht und ich mir die Zeit nehme, mich ihnen zu widmen, dann bergen diese Kapseln zahlreiche fotografische Einsichten.
We still have a lot of poppy capsules left over from last year to produce seeds for our organic farm. I often walk past them in everyday life - without even giving them a glance. But when my photographer's eye wakes up and I take the time to look at them, these capsules hold numerous photographic insights.

Canon EOS 6D Mark II | Sigma 105mm | f/6.7 | 1/250s | 23.02.2025

#Photography #naturephotography #stilllife #stilllifephoto #photo #macrophotography #poppy #poppyflower #closeup #mohn #mohnkapsel #frucht #makro #makrofotografie #natur #poppy #natur #macro #macrophoto #stillleben #dried #brown #plant #canonphotography #canon #sigma #darktable

Every once in a while I grab one of my vintage lenses and adapt it to my Fuji, add a combo of extension tubes and head out into the forest to see what small things I can find.

I often search for scenes like this one - a small capped mushroom standing proud on a log. To my joy, I noticed this very tiny slug traversing the log too. For scale, this mushroom is the size of the white of my thumbnail! Tiny!

I spent an unreasonable amount of time deciding how to crop this scene. The original shot had sea, waves, foam, and glittering sunlight - none of which were all that spectacular, but still enough to rob attention from that dreamy backdrop. So I opted for minimalism: erase everything until only the essence remains. In a way, photography is the ultimate art of subtraction. Picking this angle over the one 90° to the left is already an act of leaving things out. And the moment we press the shutter, we’re discarding every other possible moment in time. It’s all about what doesn’t make it into the frame!

#Photography #Kaikoura