do not host your own DNS. you won't like what you see
@ruhrscholz we wanna see graphs :33
@janvhs we are not that far yet. pretty graphs are in the 3-year plan though
@ruhrscholz omg are you actually going to pull through for a few years??
@janvhs depends on how quickly we irrevocably break it
@ruhrscholz where are you in the chain tho? Are you the first recursive DNS server?
@ruhrscholz @janvhs @famfo i can imagine the lines blurring a lot when more folks use that project
@ruhrscholz @famfo @janvhs i only stole one and it was an accident!!! /lh
@ruhrscholz @famfo @domi ahhh nice! So met serving ALL the domains. How are you gonna deal with the the domains you’re not managing? Do a recursive lookup?
@ruhrscholz @famfo @domi niceeee! So not that big of an overhead then lol
@ruhrscholz @famfo @domi recursive DNS DOS attack :3
@janvhs @ruhrscholz @domi ah shit, shooting myself in the foot by running, uh, 4 recursive servers? Not public though lol
@ruhrscholz @janvhs CENTRALLY PLANNED DNS WITH A 5-YEAR PLAN ☭☭☭
@ruhrscholz Thanks for the advice. I will ignore it
@sayiarin a ton of spam and misconfigured servers mostly