ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst.


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Link at end but I am amused by the replies and discourse to this article for the bafflement regarding the existance of small Fedi, Fedi users that don’t want to interact with the whole of users. Small Fedi has people that honestly just want to be left the fuck alone. The more tech minded of the Fedi, big Fedi, as described here, is astonished such a thing could exist and my sides are splitting from them realizing not everybody wants to talk to you. #Fediverse #ActivityPub #privacy

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New: Fediverse Report #108

This week's news:
- Ghost's (@index) connection to the #fediverse is now availabe in public beta for Ghost Pro users, with both an #ActivityPub connection to send long-form posts into the fediverse, and a reader app to read/comment/interact with the fediverse
- @anewsocial , the organisation that manages the bridge between the fediverse and #bluesky shared their upcoming plans

Read at:

#fediverse #feditips #activitypub

Hi all! I'm a concert organiser and musician and I'm planning to organise within the community a series of discussion events on the fediverse as a concrete alternative to fascist soc media. But, at the same time, to be able to meaningfully answer the questions many might have, I'm trying to wrap my head around how the ActivityPub works, in particular regarding cross-servers visibility, and how inherent certain beviours are. Any pointer is really welcome! <3

Huch, wir haben ja hier einen Account! Dann sollten wir ihn vielleicht auch nutzen :-)

Also: Kommende Woche findet die 2. Ausgabe von #Blogtastisch statt! Und ihr seid alle herzlich eingeladen! Matthias @pfefferle führt uns in das #ActivityPub Plugin für #WordPress ein. Und wir vernetzen uns in der #Bloggosphäre. Sei jetzt dabei! Weitere Infos findest du hier: #Blog #bloggen

Well, it’s a lucky day 🍀. Our latest update contains a pot o’ gold for the Bluesky community especially. Take a look at what’s in this release, including linking your Bluesky account to Surf, a new Home Timeline that unifies your Bluesky and Mastodon, and Bluesky notifications in our app. 🦋

The UK Online Safety Act comes into effect today.

Its onerous duties may cause many small sites, blogs and fedi instances to shut down or geoblock UK users when faced with potential fines and penalties.

This won't keep children safe. It'll benefit large platforms like Facebook and X that are laying waste to content moderation.

The Register · It's not just Big Tech: The UK's Online Safety Act applies across the boardVon Lindsay Clark

My #ActivityPub bubble is not at all a bubble but a linear chronology of the things I am or might be interested in. I've never been so stress free from monetising algo as I've been in the last almost 3 years.

I keep the constant info blast from news outlets in separate accounts for instant sync with world events.

And I get to interact with plenty of differing perspective views in the comment sections of actual news websites and places like YouTube that have baseline moderation.

I am creating a #ActivityPub minimalistic implementation of a badge system similar to Credly, built using #dotnet and leveraging the #Fediverse

I have issued a first badge, the idea is to decentralize the verification systems, and allow organizations to self-certify. It is incredible that organizations like Microsoft or Non-Profits pay thousands of dollars to companies like Pearson to just provide "verified" badges. Similar to mastodons installed in social-dot-something, thinkg of badges<dot> mozilla<dot>com , certifications<dot>myschooldistrict<dot>com. Or even a podcast emitting a badge for its guests, with the verification in the domain.

ActivityPub already offers a secure way to sign artifacts and interact between actors. The fediverse already have people with profiles, a social graph as @mike says, ready to use. Think of how LetsEncrypt disrupted that market of few actors selling certificates for websites.

I have a functional poc,
@fediverse is not a mastodon, pledora or blog, it is an actor in a badge system, but you can follow it in Mastodon. Its badges will show in #mastodon but they are not notes or articles. If you want to learn more, follow me, I will be sharing the progress here. Or follow the github project here:

Who wants a badge of early adopter?

ActivityPub Badges Implementa. Contribute to tryvocalcat/activitypub-badges development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHubGitHub - tryvocalcat/activitypub-badges: ActivityPub Badges ImplementaActivityPub Badges Implementa. Contribute to tryvocalcat/activitypub-badges development by creating an account on GitHub.

The #fediverse is a fascinating place. I was using #nostr and came across a post by @cstross but I couldn't reply to it on Nostr and I couldn't find it on #mastodon

I suppose technically this isn't a fediverse issue as it isn't really related to the way #activitypub works, but rather more related to the way bridges work.

Now I'm guessing this occurred because the post in question was deleted by Charlie (though I saw nothing untoward about it) or because it was a very good imposter on Nostr.

If it's the latter , it doesn't explain why the post seemed to come from Mastodon, albeit not from Charlie's usually address.

If it's the former then that is more understandable but maybe worrying, because it means deletions on Mastodon are not respected elsewhere.

Now Charlie being charlie, there's no way he isn't already aware of this, but I think it might be worth spreading the word to others.

Hi @pfefferle ich habe hier eine interessante Entdeckung gemacht. Wenn ich den "Fediverse Reactions" Block in WordPress einfüge, scheint er sich an verschiedenen Stellen unterschiedlich zu verhalten. Im "Content" werden ALLE User die reagiert werden abgebildet. Im "Post loop" immer nur der LETZTE User. Ist euch das bekannt? Es sieht aus wie ein Bug…

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I’m still using Toot!, a client that hasn’t been updated in years. It’s still working fine, even thought lots of improvements have been made to mastodon. The underlying protocol hasn’t changed though and that’s why things still keep working. That’s why you want well thought out, well defined protocols that care about stability and interoperability. I love it. And that’s also why I love XMPP more than just whatever is hyped at the moment.