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📢 The latest Helmholtz Open Science Office newsletter is here!

Among other things, we inform you about:

🔘 Open Access Transformation and Memorandum
🔘 @pid4nfdi a basic service of #Base4NFDI is developing a PID Coordination Hub.
🔘 #CRIS Map
🔘 Promoting #reproducibility

In addition there are also literature recommendations and event information. Take a look!



#openscience #OpenAccess (sg)

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And just last week, we presented at the Workshop on New Media Art Archiving, which took place at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. #WNMAA2025

A blog post up on the @tibhannover blog, outlines the key topics discussed at the workshop and how current developments in #RDM on national and international level can deliver the goal of the workshop to interconnect media art archives globally. Specifically services such as #KGI4NFDI and #TS4NFDI from #Base4NFDI, in addition to tools such as #Qlever and #ORKGask provide relevant points of reference for the further development of a decentralised media art archive infrastructure.


TIB-Blog · Connecting media art archives – closer to reality through advances in research data infrastructures - TIB-Blog
Mehr von Lozana Rossenova

#Base4NFDI Job Alert!

We have an exciting opportunity for someone to join our team as a Section Liaison Officer at @DESY in Hamburg, working closely with me.

📝 Applications are now open. Check the job posting for more details.

The #Base4NFDI team and especially me are looking forward to welcoming a new team member!

#NFDIrocks #NFDI #RDM #OpenScience #OpenData #FAIRData

v22.desy.deSection Liaison Officer in the Base4NFDI initiative
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@4nn4_clickt @_omwo @museum @kunstgeschichte Aus dem Publikum der Auftaktdiskussion wird gefragt, was eigentlich die #NFDI tun müsste, um #wikidata und #wikicommons in die Lage zu versetzen, in großem Stil #Forschungsdaten aufzunehmen.

@inablu weist darauf hin, dass genau hierfür, auch in Hinblick auf #EOSC, Werkzeuge und Plattformen durch die #NFDI-Konsortien und #Base4NFDI weiterentwickelt werden (sollen). ^kb

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Please enjoy our Christmas Newsletter 🎄!


Contents 3️⃣/3️⃣

🌉 Report: 1st #Base4NFDI - Basic Services for the NFDI User Conference 2024

🕸️ Networking within the NFDI - @FAIRagro and @konsortswd

🪶 @resdatall Birds of Feather Session: Cross-domain collaboration in the NFDI

nfdi4earth.deNFDI4Earth Newsletter Christmas 2024 | Issue 7 has officially launched in November 2024!

Well... but what do we do and who are we?

As one of 10 partners across the entire field of research diciplines we are part of a journey to develop a prototype of a NFDI-wide service to promote and connect your research software. Check out our fantastic partners and future events on our project page: (kh)


Part of the #PID4NFDI team was at the User Conference 4 #Base4NFDI on 20/21.11.2024 in Berlin.

It was a great oppurtunity to meet people and exchange ideas and perspectives.

PID4NFDI presentation explained how a strategic framework based on Persistent Identifier (#PIDs) can change research data management in #FAIR and thus pave the way for improving the reliability and accessibility of scientific research.

👉 Slides:


The slides of our talk "Facilitating creation, (re)use, and interoperability for Knowledge Graphs in NFDI: the vision behind KGI4NFDI" can be found here: 💬 #NFDI #NFDIrocks #Base4NFDI #UC4B2024 #KnowledgeGraphs #OneNFDI #FAIR #OpenScience

ZenodoFacilitating creation, (re)use, and interoperability for Knowledge Graphs in NFDI: the vision behind KGI4NFDIA graph-structured knowledge base known as a Knowledge Graph (KG) consists of a terminology (vocabulary or ontology) along with interconnected data entities, all based on semantic web technologies like RDF and SPARQL. Knowledge Graphs represent an important and powerful tool for achieving interoperability in and across research domains and fulfilling the mission of the NFDI (National Research Data Infrastructure). Several consortia are building their own KG solutions, embedded in their overall data management strategy. The Working Group "Knowledge Graphs" (WG KGs) was established in the NFDI Section "(Meta)data, Terminologies, Provenance" to coordinate the development and use of KGs in all NFDI consortia. It has carried out an evaluation of the state of the art of KG adoption as well as the need for additional support in the NFDI. This led to the development of the KGI4NFDI (Knowledge Graph Infrastructure for the German National Research Data Infrastructure) service proposal which will support NFDI consortia by providing guidance and documentation around development practices as well as software dedicated to the creation and (re)use of KGs, including tools for data import, validation and export, collaborative frontends, search APIs, SPARQL endpoints, and tools for visualizing query results. Besides decentralised tooling, the service will establish a registry of KGs utilized by NFDI consortia, which will be presented in the form of its own KG. Alongside this, the service will devise an interoperability strategy, conduct surveys, and demonstrate the application of KGs across various research fields and scenarios using diverse methods. The implementation will leverage a widely-used FLOSS technology stack to ensure maximum reusability and sustainability, with any generated solutions being made available under open source and content licenses for others to benefit from.   This presentation will outline the mission and core objective of KGI4NFDI that will be developed starting in the summer of 2024. We would like to use this opportunity to gather feedback as well as engage with the NFDI and research community.

We (TH Köln and @ZBMED) are 🎉 happy to announce that our #RDMTraining4NFDI #Base4NFDI proposal was accepted last week! 📄 You can find the full proposal here: Stay tuned for updates! 🚀 #RDM #DataLiteracy #Training #OER #NFDI #NFDIrocks

ZenodoBase4NFDI proposal RDMTraining4NFDI - Competence Training for Research Data ManagementBase4NFDI proposal RDMTraining4NFDI - Competence Training for Research Data Management   Summary: The training of research data management (RDM) skills ‒ including the handling of data, metadata, software and machine learning models in line with FAIR and open science principles ‒ is fundamental to the success of the NFDI (National Research Data Infrastructure). In the initialisation phase, the proposed "RDMTraining4NFDI" basic service aims to provide four solutions to the NFDI consortia and their research communities: (1) modular teaching materials, didactic concepts and workflows for discipline-specific training programmes; (2) two formats (a workshop series and a Summer School) for training data stewards and trainers; (3) a certification concept to document the acquisition of RDM skills in different formats; (4) a communication network of experts in RDM training. The materials will be made freely available through public repositories as open educational resources (OERs) under the CC-BY licence and will be registered in the DALIA platform with a rich set of metadata. Subsequent phases will explore further options such as additional training formats, workflows for integrating new content into the collection and an accreditation process. The basic service will facilitate the efficient ongoing development and dissemination of high-quality training materials and will lay the groundwork for extensive, standardised and certified capacity building. In doing so, it will catalyse the broad adoption of FAIR principles and open science practices by the (German) research community.