We captured a few impressions of #EOSCxNFDI and asked Juliane Fluck, Karel Luyben, Chris Eberl and Elli Papadopoulou about their highlights.
Enjoy this short video!
We captured a few impressions of #EOSCxNFDI and asked Juliane Fluck, Karel Luyben, Chris Eberl and Elli Papadopoulou about their highlights.
Enjoy this short video!
Klaus Tochtermann (ZBW and much more) reminds us on the many open and relevant questions of the members of the #NFDI when contributing to #EOSC. #EOSCxNFDI
Philipp Wieder (GWDG) shares his insights as a German contributor to the EOSC EU Node, discussing collaborative ways to further extend the research data and service ecosystem. He points to the upcoming release of the EOSC Federation Handbook in November (https://eosc.eu/eosc-federation-handbook). #EOSCxNFDI #EOSC #NFDI #FAIR #OpenScience
Peter Szegedi (European Commission DG CNECT) gives a brief overview of the #EOSC EU Node, launched on Monday (https://open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu/), discussing the technical and administrative challenges, as well as the credit system in place. #EOSCxNFDI #OpenScience #FAIR
Lars Bernard (@nfdi4earth, #Base4NFDI, and more) kicks off a series of brief talks, setting the stage for a World Café on the potential interaction between #EOSC and @NFDI. Exciting discussions ahead on #ResearchInfrastructure, #ResearchDataManagement, #Services, #FAIR, #OpenScience, #Federation, and the joint future of #EOSC and #NFDI! #EOSCxNFDI
Yesterday's day 1 of #EOSCxNFDI was fantastic!
In addition to exciting Lightening Talks on the topic ‘Intersection of the #NFDI and #EOSC thematic communities’, the evening event at the State Representation Schleswig-Holstein was a highlight. During the panel discussion, everyone agreed on what is needed to make #research data #FAIR:
a cultural change in #science
more education and training on research data management #rdm topics
new job profiles such as data stewards
We are currently at the #EOSCsymposium2024 in Berlin. Today @FAIRmat speaker Claudia Draxl gave a scientific keynote on the topic ‘FAIR, what else?’ and we couldn't agree more.
Tomorrow we will have a joint session with the @eoscassociation and then move on to our event #EOSCxNFDI. https://eveeno.com/eoscxnfdi