Aufgenommen auf dem Weg vom Bahnhof zur Wohnung auf seit 13 Jahren abgelaufenem Portra 400, entwickelt in der Mittagspause.
#schwarzwald #blackforest #winter #schnee #snow #analog #filmphotography
Wounded Soul
Bromexpress-2 18x24cm (exp 1991) in Kodak D9
Kodak Tmax P3200 (EI 1600)
Minox 35ML
Monts du Bugey, France
Nikon F4 / Nikkor AF-D 50mm f1,4 / Ilford fp4
New #photography blog post:
No Theme, No Problem
#filmphotography #blackandwhite #Germany #cologne
I use a lot of film snapping photos of movies on the TV for some reason. (Great movie, btw).
Mom took these photos of me with her huge Mamiya. She bought the 250 mm lens and wanted to try it out. - I am always here to help. I like this camera; it's way bigger than her digital, I have to wait a bit longer for the settings, but it has a more firm sound when the mirror flaps. This makes it super clear when the chicken comes as a reward. It’s an RZ67 Pro II if you were wondering.
I feel like sharing some more film photography tonight - here are some cherry blossom photos from Shoin Shrine in the Setagaya Ward of Tokyo.
Fujifilm Simple Ace 400 Disposable Camera (35mm, 27 exp.)
My wife gave me a roll of color infrared film for my birthday and I got to use it in Japan!
Olympus OM-2S | Olympus Zuiko Auto-W 35 mm f/2 | Kodak Ektachrome Professional Infrared 200
Bromexpress-2 RC 18x24cm (exp 1991) in Kodak D9
Bergger Pancro 400 (EI 800) in Rodinal 1+25
Minolta Maxxum 7 | Minolta AF 100mm f2.8 Macro