But they amazing Eivør, who's playing in autumn in Köln, does not come alone. Listen to who is gonna support her!
Sylvaine "Nowhere, Still Somewhere"
Vinyl-Abend. Anfang macht Nostalghia (nicht mit der Sängerin verwechseln), ein Ein Mann #Blackgaze Projekt aus Mexiko City. Für Fans von zb Alcest. #musicsky
Even though only one person has voted in the second-wave black metal poll (see above), I'm moving on to the third wave because #satan made me do it.
#blackmetal #heavymetal #extrememetal #metal #metalhead #classicmetal #thrash #thrashmetal #norwegianblackmetal #lordsofchaos #postrock #postmetal #postblackmetal #blackgaze
(See the thread for other polls)
#nowplaying️ "God Alone" von #AltarOfPlagues #blackgaze ️
Hört mehr Violet Cold
Drowning in Rage and Distortion
This is like the last, but harder, heavier sounds. The genre is called heavy shoegaze or "blackgaze," black #metal meets #shoegaze. It's like the sharp edges of metal are softened into a blendy melodic mess still full of the rage you've come to love. Also sounds like super-muddy #grunge with muted vocals.
Artists include Hum, Chelsea Wolfe, Caspian, Alcest, Mogwai, Holy Fawn.
this debut EP by #German #atmospheric #blackgaze / post #blackmetal project #Melatonyn is absolutely stunning