Google integriert Gemini-KI in Gmail: Neuer Button erkennt Termine in E-Mails und fügt sie dem Kalender hinzu. Praktisch, aber nicht ohne Risiken. #Gmail #KI,149484.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
It's been a week now. My Thunderbird on my Pixel phone is not fetching emails from my Gmail account anymore.
No problem on my Linux laptop, though.
Is anyone else experiencing the same?
#fedihelp #thunderbird #gmail
Reprenez le contrôle de votre messagerie ! De plus en plus d’utilisateurs tournent la page Gmail pour choisir Mailo, la messagerie qui protège vos données et vos échanges. Découvrez notre guide pour le transfert de votre messagerie et rejoignez le mouvement dès aujourd’hui. Bienvenue chez Mailo !
#SouverainetéNumérique #Gmail #Mailo #MessagerieSouveraine #AlternativeGmail #alternativegafam #PrivacyFirst #mailo
While #Google keeps pouring resources into Gemini AI garbage that they're constantly finding new ways to ram down our throats, #Gmail is being inundated with spam, especially fake cash app and other "deposited in your account" spams, followed by fake "Gmail Support Team" spams. Meanwhile, Gmail continues to be by far the #1 source of phishing attack email hitting users on mail platforms other than Gmail.
With the whole #ukpol on #e2ee forcing #apple to disable #adp and #usa going mad under #trump many seem to switch to #Signal over #WhatsApp.
But it seems still most people do not realize that if you use #Outlook, #Gmail, #Yahoo etc those very same governments have full access to everything that ever went through your mailbox.
Over at @privacyguides we have some good recommendations to switch to.
@NOSRSS Not only the politicians must stand up united against #Trump and #Putin we citizens need to do our part as well and it's rather easy:
#unplugTrump by choosing #European (or #Canadian) alternatives for popular #US Services (like #Galaxus, #Conrad etc instead of #Amazon) or your local videostreamer instead of #Netflix. Services like #kSuite, or #Tutanota, #Protonmail instead of #Gmail
@tuxedocomputers et al instead of #Lenovo or #Dell
@k3fnb just because #DeltaChat uses the email protocol you are making some wrong assumptions that only apply to classic email, sure if you go doing activism using #gmail that is not safe, but to use Delta Chat, you don't need to provide ANY personal data / metadata and hence can't leak metadata, you can create an anonymous account for a protest and throw it away afterwards, if cops get your phone they get random contacts not phone numbers unlike in #Signal etc.
Looking for European #Gmail alternatives? Our database has lots of alternatives for you:
@sebsauvage @titaniumbiscuit not all classic e-mail providers work equally well but many do. Since #chatmail entered the global e-mail server network 14 months ago, and we introduced instant-onboarding april 2024, we de-emphasize #gmail #outlook and #iCloud and don't perform "free" work to help them continue to dominate. Instead we put our energy into growing the chatmail server network which does away with spam/rate-limit problems by design. Everything is based on #interoperable #cryptography .
Have you already switched your Gmail to a new e-mail provider?
If no, what are you waiting for?
If yes, which one? Was it difficult to migrate? Do you like the design of your new providers interface? Do you find it easy to use? Are you happy with it?
Tell us more about your experience!
Schluss mit SMS-Codes: Google ersetzt Authentifizierung bei Gmail durch QR-Codes
Google hat angekündigt, die SMS-basierte Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA) bei Gmail durch QR-Codes zu ersetzen. Mit dieser Änderung verfol
#News #Services #Authentifizierung #Gmail #Google #Kontoschutz #Phishing #QRCode #Sicherheit #SIMSwapping #SMSCodesAblsen #ZweiFaktorAuthentifizierung
Unter dem Hashtag #UnplugTrump wurden verschiedene Alternativen zu diversen US-Diensten gesammelt; eine Auflistung gibts bei @kuketzblog
Ich persönlich werde das nicht zu 100% umsetzen, aber wenn es Alternativen ohne (für mich) größere Einschränkungen gibt - warum nicht umsteigen? Los gings vor 2 Jahren mit #Gmail (ersetzt durch #mailbox_org mit eigener Maildomain).
Gibt es hier #Gmail- und Apple-Cloud-Nutzer die auf #Proton-Mail/Cloud umgestiegen sind? Suche gerade nach europäischen Alternativen. Danke für Tipps! #followerpower
Die aktuelle Weltlage lässt mich überlegen, #gmail zu verlassen. Hat jemand Vorschläge die auch mit #Thunderbird out of the box funktionieren und keinen eigenen Client (wie Proton oder Tuta) erfordern?
Everyone. Long time Gmail user here and most sites registered with it. Has anyone moved to something other? I have a Proton email with one custom domain right now. Anyone have recommendations and/or longer experience using Proton? Feel it is worth the cost? Any hang ups using Proton with a homelab setup?
- No, I don't want to host my own mail server
- Yes, I understand that you are paying because you are no longer selling your data of a free email service
First, they shut down the Basic HTML site, forcing many of us to switch to clients such as Thunderbird. Now, they're using qr codes which are not only inaccessible to the blind but also to those who don't use smartphones! This is ridiculous! Yes, they do still have the option to click whether it's you trying to sign in or not (which still requires a smartphone and a carrier, which they claim to be concerned about), but how long before they remove that, too?