Here is a treasured large-scale portrait of President Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk that from time to time graces my home office. It depicts him at work in the president's office in Prague Castle ("Hrad," as noted in the signature)
New on // DevConf by Red Hat on 12-14 June 2025 in FIT VUT in #Brno, #Czech Republic
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* Official hashtag(s): #devconf_cz
Call for participation is running until 09.03.2025
New on // OpenAlt on 01-02 November 2025 in Faculty of Information Technologies, Brno University of Technology in #Brno, #Czech Republic
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Official hashtag(s): #openalt
"The time has come to start considering a broad coalition of willing for just peace in Ukraine. “Peace” on terms of the aggressor is called a capitulation and would only encourage all current and future aggressors. Free world must stand up to the evil."
Farmers in the Czech Republic spearheaded a new wave of protests against EU trade policy on Thursday, rallying at border crossings and driving tractors onto roads in a show of defiance against agricultural imports from Ukraine and South America.
konečně jsem se rozhodla, že bych taky chtěla mít účet v češtině (jako už mám v hebrejštině, , a v toki pona ).
na jakém serveru byste mi doporučili, abych vytvořila účet?
když nemáte doporučení, boostněte tento toot, prosím
so i've finally decided that i'd also like to have an account in Czech. which instance would you recommend me to join?
if you don't have a rec then #PleaseBoost
"Never again" demands action — Ukraine is fighting for all of us #Ukraine #USA #UK #EU #Europe #Czech #Poland #Lithuania #Latvia #Estonia #Germany #France #Austria #Hungary #Romania #Slovakia #Japan #Taiwan #Australia #Switzerland #Canada #Italy #Ireland #Netherlands #Finland #Sweden #Denmark #Iceland #Norway #Spain #NATO #RussiaIsATerroristState
Tesla sales in the EU fell 45% #ČeskáRepublika #Czech #CzechRepublic #Czechia
New on // LinuxDays 2025 by FIT ČVUT on 04-05 October 2025 in FIT, Czech Technical University (ČVUT) campus in Prague district Dejvice in #Prague, #Czech Republic
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Official account: @linuxdays
Official hashtag(s): #linuxdays
Call for participation is running until 31.08.2025
NATO is planning to build a pipeline system from Germany to Poland and the Czech Republic to ensure a rapid supply of jet fuel for fighter aircraft in the event of a war with Russia, weekly German magazine Der Spiegel reported.
Takže děcka, spustil jsem, který vysvětluje co je Fediverse. #czech #vstupDoFedivese.
@archos dovolil jsem si použít jako příklad, pokud nevadí.
Prosím o boost! Díky
A Czech-led initiative to supply Ukraine with large-calibre ammunition has delivered 1.6 million shells and will continue, Czech President Petr #Pavel said on Saturday, a year after he announced the drive to help Ukraine in its war against Russia.
#Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus hit by Russian drone #Ukraine #USA #UK #EU #Europe #Czech #Taiwan #Poland #Lithuania #Latvia #Estonia #Germany #France #Austria #Trump #Hungary #Romania #Switzerland #Canada #Slovakia #Italy #Ireland #Netherlands #Japan #Australia #Finland #Sweden #Denmark #Iceland #Norway #Spain #NATO #RussiaIsATerroristState
Star Trek The Next Generation, Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Doctor Who, The X-Files, etc. How much we love sci-fi series! I don't know if we would have enjoyed them as much if the BBC hadn't gotten involved about 83 years ago, when on February 11, 1938, it broadcast the first sci-fi film in history on TV (more specifically, the first sci-fi program-film-whatever made specifically for TV).
Initially, I wanted to call it a series, but it was simply a 35-minute adaptation of a part of the play "R.U.R." by the Czech writer Karel Čapek. "R.U.R." stands for "Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum's Universal Robots)" and was first staged in 1921. It's about humans who create robots (more closely related to the idea of "androids," "replicants" from Blade Runner, or "cylons" from Battlestar Galactica) that eventually rebel against their creators.
The most important thing is that in "R.U.R." the term "robot" was used for the first time.
Photo: a sequence from the BBC adaptation of the play "R.U.R." for the small screen (1938)
A Prague-led international effort to buy ammunition for Ukraine has come under threat by the opposition party of Andrej Babiš (ANO), who is slated to make a political comeback in elections later this year. The party has pledged to put the ammunition initiative on hold.
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