Anyone fancy a job as a Research #Librarian in Wodonga? La Trobe Uni is hiring!
Anyone fancy a job as a Research #Librarian in Wodonga? La Trobe Uni is hiring!
Georgia Legislators The Latest To Criminalize Being A #Librarian - #trump
#Kiwix is awesome, running on a #RaspberryPi . Using their web-server, I'm reading a Gutenberg #ebook, "Aesop's fables", on my phone (and earlier, from my laptop).
#ebooks #librarian #SelfHosting
My kind of librarian...
#cartoon #animation #solarpunk
#library #librarian #permaculture #RegenerativeAgriculture
#regenerativemedicine #fallout
#antifa #antifascism #humour #humorous #humor #energycrisis #project2025
Animation by Luke Humphris. Thanks #Whollypoddesign
Wayback Machine Saves Thousands of Federal Webpages Amid Purge of Government Data Under Trump
Librarians, oh please convince your boards to use the Palace Project instead of #Libby / #OverDrive! It is a far better experience and just all the chef's kisses, and it appears to treat libraries better too! I'm subscribed to 9 non-resident libraries and none of them use this! Here's a sample page. #Library #Libraries #Librarian #PalaceProject #ThePalaceProject
Here's an updated little #intro :
I'm a Puerto-Rican #metadata #librarian living in the Netherlands
for 15 years. Partner and mother of 2.
#Libraries & #bookstodon
#colorpencilart #urbanSketching
#Journal , #blog , #writing
I write in my blog about #books, #reading , #Libraries , and thoughts on living a kind life.
On my blog I wrote about how @ia’s Writer app has given me the tools to abandon manually organizing my notes and become more focused and productive in my day-to-day as a #librarian
hey #library and #librarian fedi,
I'm in an interesting position where I might be able to suggest some exciting ideas for my local libraries around open access to computers and technology. Do you have stories of cool things your library/another library has done around digital equity?
@lavaeolus On it & hope others will do the same!
@lavaeolus Calibre - the desktop app - provides a means to add author, title, tags, descriptions, covers, etc. to organize the pfs, greatly improving their search-ability *later on* in calibre-web. Once that meticulous librarian-style labor is done in Calibre for the desktop, then the resulting Calibre library (one giant, well-organized, human navigable folder) can be served out by calibre-web. Yes, the library is served out read-only, in that no new uploads are permitted to the users in Calibre-web. Adding new content is done in Calibre, the desktop app.
To my mind, yes, it all works well with pdf's given that all the above software is OpenSource. Calibre has some limited magic for working with pdfs in particular. Calibre would gently prefer you fed it epubs, since those are OpenSource as a file format. Calibre does a great job organizing pdfs into a decent, rhobust library structure. Commercial software can do more automated functions with pdfs, I'm sure.
I’ve been thinking lately (always a mistake) about all the cultural works to which we don't have access. Everything removed from streaming; everything locked behind DRM so that most libraries and archives won't have copies which can redundantly survive disruption. Sometimes I get real sad about the future readers and historians and others who just won't be able to find copies of the incredible things made during the current digital dark age.
As ever, I try to let this radicalize me rather than lead me into despair. I know that there are lots of horrors worth raging against, but this is one I feel well-positioned to work against. It's low-stakes enough that I won't feel self-loathing if I burn out or need to take a break. It's no secret that I like to read and organize books so this is a topic close to my heart and one which can bring me joy and allow me to share it with those around me too. There is a fair bit of tech nerd stuff to it, enough that I have an opportunity to learn & practice new things, but not so much that I’m totally out of my depth. And there are plenty of communities out there to help and share strategies.
But the big thing I see missing from my understanding and many of the conversations about shadow libraries and unauthorized archivism is the social and professional practice of librarianship rather than mechanical practice of data storage. I don't have space to go to library school, but I could definitely stand to read (and archive) introductory books on the topic, or take an online class. Friends who know: what are some of the better places to get started with an introduction to library & information science and archive science?
#libraries #librarian #archivist #archives #archivism #archivist #libraryScience #informationScience #archiveScience #culture #repositories #dataHoard #archiving #piracy #unauthorizedArchives #guerillaArchives #shadowLibraries #digiPres #digitalPreservation
Hi! I'm River and I've been on Masto for a bit, but moved here to chat games n' stuff.
I've been gaming since the heady days of OG #BaldursGate, and am currently obsessed with #BaldursGate3 and #DragonAge #TheVeilguard.
When I'm not gaming, I'm an academic #librarian, a practicing #witch, an occasional #writer and #poet and a general all-round nerdy type.
I'm also queer and trans, so I will post about #LGBTQ stuff, but I will content warn anything political.
I think I might have to devise a (not evil) plan just so I can work at a library- I WILL FIND A WAY TO GET MY DREAM JOB >:3!! seriously tho like why does it have to be so hard :') #Librarian #librarians #libraries #Library #libraryHiring #libraryInterview #libraryJobs #libraryWork
#introduction post for
I'm a #knitting designer.
I also like #handspinning, #weaving, #sewing and many kinds of #yarn-related things as well as other handcrafts. I’ve learned a little #bookbinding, making several Coptic stitch notebooks.
I like #reading #SFF #fantasy #sciencefiction.
I'm prone to talking about #tea.
Finally, I'm a trained reference #librarian at large (not currently working as one), and have a question-answering reflex.
@ai6yr nodds in agreement
I work as a #sysadmin and whilst this may not sound exciting, it's kinda necessary, as one's the #janitor, #cleaner, garbage collector, #maid and #librarian together.
So yeah, #documentation, #backup & #restore ain't exciting but they need to fucking work, so in the worst case one can just follow the checklist of instructions.
Meet Belle da Costa Greene, the Most Fascinating Librarian in American History
By Jessica Stewart
I'm Märta, she/they, 35 yrs, living in the middle of Sweden with my SO and our elderly #NorwegianForestcat.
Our home is filled with #plants, of which some are successful and some are an experiment. I'm a #gamer, a #music enthusiast, a #hockey fan, #neurodivergent, a #yarn #crafter, #LGBTQIA+, a #baker, learning #foraging, and with a re-found love for #reading.
After 10 years of working as a university #librarian, I'm now studying #statistics with an #informatics profile.
I am resisting in place. I won’t march, and I already hold public office, it’s called Public Librarian. I make queer and trans people feel at home and change their name in the catalog and if my coworkers change it back, I change it again. I make rainbow brochures and when they get stolen and trashed I make more. I put book challenge info on the website. I’m safe zone trained and in the trenches. We may need extra funding soon so please remember and support us.
#libraries #librarian #library
> On 20 Years of Blogging at Information Wants to be Free by Meredith Farkas
One of the last #librarian #bloggers still standing reflects on their 20 years on their #blog. Now come and hear a tale of a time when there was a biblioblogosphere and librarians of all types wrote.
I was there too, and I still blog here or there, but that is another story.