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0 Beiträge0 Beteiligte0 Beiträge heute alt text analysis report! 🧐

Me and my friend Cristal just published a report on image description usage on, as a group project for the Introduction to Data Science course of the Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Societies Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program.

Thoughts and feedback are welcome 💕

A huge thanks to @stefan for publishing the dataset on which we based our analysis!

NOTE: We are absolutely aware that the report has very little actual relevance, as the dataset contains a super limited amount of posts from one instance only. It was mainly an experimentation to test our data analysis skills.

Experimenting with client alt-text use dataset. - alterism/mastodon-alt-text
GitHubGitHub - alterism/mastodon-alt-text: Experimenting with client alt-text use dataset.Experimenting with client alt-text use dataset. - alterism/mastodon-alt-text

Weird time to throw this out there, but I’m still looking for work! #getFediHired #getFediGigs #lookingForWork #tech

Contract or permanent, part time or full time, doesn’t matter! I’ve learned a lot of Rust recently and am proficient in C++, C, Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, shell, Linux, Cloud stuff, HPC, chemistry, simulations, MPI and scaling! Mostly backend but I can, and have, done full stack work on React!

What I’m mostly looking to do is help build software that helps people, so I’m NOT interested in “AI”, defense, finance, oil+gas, startups, or anything of that sort. If you know of open positions or even if you’re looking for someone to help on a project, let’s chat! I make a mean fucking
#jupyterNotebook, too.

I am also totally available to tutor chemistry, too.

Boosts welcome and appreciated!

CV on request; see my codeberg profile here:

#rust #chemistry #tutor #tutoring #cpp #rustLang #chapelLang

Codeberg.orgAstatide [Audrey MP]Meow for now.

Our proposal for initial funding for a Jupyter NFDI Base Service (Jupyter4NFDI) has been accepted.

The project aims to simplify access to Jupyter Notebooks within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). The initiative seeks to enable a unified approach to computational, reproducible research.

#zeitungsportal meets #dh
Heute und Morgen treffen sich Archive, Bibliotheken und Wissenschaftler*innen in der Stadt- und Landesbibliothek #dortmund. Es geht um die Entwicklungsperspektiven der großen Zeitungsportale, darunter vor allem #zeitpunktnrw und dem Deutschen Zeitungsportal der @ddbkultur.
Konkret: API Schnittstellen für den Export von Zeitungskorpora, die Arbeit mit #Transkribus, Nutzung von #Jupyternotebook für fortgeschrittene Suchstrategien sowie Unterstützung von #KI

Accidentally deleted a function definition in a #JupyterNotebook and was unable to undo because of how long it took me until I realized what I did. But it was still in memory. #Python

stackoverflow rescued me
import inspect
lines = inspect.getsource(lostFunctionName)

Stack OverflowDeleted a cell of a function in JupyterI made a function in the jupyter notebook and the cell got deleted. I want to know the code in the function. I cannot use undo deleted cell because it got deleted a long time ago. The function is not

Been making use of Google's hosted Jupyter notebooks product Colab to complete some data analysis projects at work.

The project is to take a number of legacy manually managed roles and try to determine what attribute based rules could be used to manage them in the future.

It's involved a number of merges, repeated pivot tables creation, and other analysis.

Colab has some great integration to push the results of your analysis to Google Sheets to share the results without having to expose other folks to the raw Jupyter Notebook.

I took some time and wrote up a blog post on how you can wire these two tools together.

z1g1.netUsing Jupyter Notebooks in Google Colab and publishing to Google SheetsJupyter Lab notebooks are a great tool for doing data analysis that is either to big for Excel, or you need to repeat the output. Google Colab is...