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Antwortete Arnd Bochmann

Can we keep things apart from each other? A conversation is not a smoothie!

1) Nobody said all #LiberatingStructures were shit. Most if not all were just stolen somewhere and grouped under the "LS" label

2) My post above is an observation about a certain community, not individuals/things

3) #OpenSpace is a gathering format. It is consistent with #BetaCodex. It plays a role in #OpenSpaceBeta, not necessarily in #BetaCodex, certainly not in #valuecreation, directly.

Is it clearer now?

A word about #LiberatingStructures:
I find that it's usually people with little or no clue of actual #valuecreation that find it amazing, exciting and, well, "liberating".

Think about it.

Thinking about what is said above: Scrap "usually" and substitute it by "always". Scrap "little or" 🙂

It is just so friggin' obvious.

#betacodex #work #newwork #futureofwork #futureofleadership #leadership #collaboration #working #agile #lean #scrum #

The debate around #agile #frameworks reminds me of debates about "the best method to perform death penalty":
Guillotine or Electric Chair anyone?

That's what all #AgileFrameworks are like: They are faulty means to mistaken ends.
None of the frameworks is about impact on #valuecreation at all. The impact they supposedly aim at producing could be achieved in different & simpler ways, fast.

That money is spent on #AgileFrameworks, that human capacity is squandered on them makes me sad.

The idea of a "4-day work week" is based on flawed thinking about 1) #people's needs and 2) the nature of #valuecreation!

Changing the rules, from a 5-day work week to a 4-day work week isn't a solution to ANY problem: It is merely activism based on clichés.
"Experiences" of all kinds notwithstanding.

Ask yourself: What is the kind of problem we are REALLY trying to solve? What is it that people at work REALLY want?

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The answer to your question is simple: Every company wants to adapt #BetaCodex philosophy because they are ALL facing what you call "pressure from consumer demand". We call it market-pull.
How can I be sure? Well, all markets became complex around the 1970s and 1980s.

And may I disagree with the "core belief" you are stating? NO business is about #money. All businesses are about #valuecreation and they NEED the $$$ to survive. Just the way that human existence is not about oxygen! ;-)

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I might add:
In our #transformation work with client organizations, they turn their structures outside-in, eliminate their #incentive systems and their stance on #careers. All that and more within just 90 days, with #OpenSpaceBeta:

To change structure
and to #decentralize, they adopt the #CellStructureDesign approach:
It pretty much changes everything we think and believe about structure. While strengthening #ValueCreation immediately.

Red42: Promoting organizational decentralization & transformationOpenSpace Beta: Change & transformation, unleashedThe 1st Work the System approach from Red42. The reinvention of change

The idea that organizations have tops and bottoms is just a beautiful illusion. Or a terrible one, more likely.
The truth is: It is a command-and-control illusion that we should urgently get rid of. We should think of organizations not as pyramids, but as "outside-in social systems that create value from the inside out".
This #BetaCodex white paper from 2011 talks of #OrgPhysics and #ValueCreation in complexity:
#orgdesign #orgdev #futureofwork #agile #agility #lean